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RRDi Official Rosacea Mimics List 


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  • Root Admin

"Rosacea is probably a collection of many different diseases that are lumped together inappropriately." Zoe Diana Draelos, MD

So there are a number of skin diseases that look like rosacea, which may be actually a catch-all diagnosis for any skin condition that is present in a patient with any of the rosacea phenotypes. However, if you are diagnosed with one of the rosacea variants or mimics you may find a more appropriate treatment since having a correct diagnosis certainly goes a long way to finding relief. It would be good to rule out any of the rosacea mimics listed in a differential diagnosis list (which is even a much longer list). But the list below is the 'official rosacea mimic list' (15)

Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)




Erythromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli (EFF)


Gram-Negative Folliculitis

Keratosis Pilaris Rubra Faceii


Lupoid Rosacea

Perioral Dermatitis


Pityriasis rosea [PR]

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Telangiectatic Photoaging (TP)

Tumid lupus

Note: If you have another skin condition that is a rosacea mimic that we don't have on this official list, please reply in this thread and we will consider whether to add it. As mentioned previously in this post, the list of skin conditions that present with erythema that mimic rosacea is so huge in a differential diagnosis that would be too huge so we are limiting the most obvious to be considered on the RRDi official rosacea mimic list. 

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