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The Legality of Quoting a Post at Facebook or Another Internet Source

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  • Root Admin

For years, the RRDi has quoted posts of rosacea sufferers from other websites, particularly RF. We never have received any complaints. Recently the RRDi posted some quotes of rosacea sufferers from Facebook with the names to acknowledge the source of the quote and discovered that some of the posts at Facebook groups are in a private exclusive group and you have to get permission to quote these particular posts. The RRDi did not know that private Facebook groups are different from public Facebook groups. 

Our intent was to help rosacea sufferers. One particular project was to get a list of the positive posts about using horse paste and some negative posts. We didn't realize that this offended the posters who gladly posted in their private, exclusive group that either the horse paste worked for them or it was a negative post about horse paste. So upon request, we have removed all these posts. There are other interesting posts in these private, exclusive Facebook groups that we gleaned by browsing these groups and posted and quoted these helpful items here and have removed the names of the posters upon request. Our intent was not to hurt or embarrass any rosacea sufferer. Our intent is to help rosacea sufferers. 

The RRDi complies with requests for removal of certain published material on the internet from our website. Our legal disclaimer clearly outlines the step for takedown procedures. We have a solid privacy policy and respect everyone's privacy. 

However, for those of you who may not understand the legality of this issue, you may want to read these two answers to the following two questions: 

Can You Quote or Use Someone Else’s Facebook Posting?

Question: Is it illegal to quote someone without permission?

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