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Apurva Tathe

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Posts posted by Apurva Tathe

  1. On 3/29/2022 at 11:59 PM, Guide said:


    We have a page on volunteering for the RRDi. We are currently in need of moderators for the Guest and Member Forums. Everyday we receive plenty of guest posts which are mostly in Russian, spam for pornography or selling wares or treatments for rosacea or for just about anything on the internet. We have to flag the spammer and delete the posts. This is a tedious and time consuming volunteer work. Let me ask you, if you were running a non profit for rosacea like the RRDi, would you appreciate getting huge donations from the skin industry like the NRS, the AARS and the ARSC (scroll down to 'Other Non Profit Rosacea Organizations' on this page) or would you prefer an independent rosacea non profit run by volunteers who care about other rosacea sufferers totally independent of the skin industry?  

    If we don't get volunteers to help the RRDi we will be shutting down unless we can get enough donations somehow to pay employees or contractors like the NRS, the AARS and the ARSC does or get enough volunteers to run this non profit.

    You will always have the NRS, the AARS and the ARSC because they are entrenched with the skin industry sponsoring these non profits for rosacea.

    The RRDi is the only independent rosacea patient advocacy grassroots non profit for rosacea period. Step up to the plate and volunteer

    Yes, please if you want our organization to run and if you want us to keep updating on rosacea. You have to play a little role by donating to our organization. It's really not a big deal. We all are rosaceans and this is the community of rosaceans and we understand each other's rosacea concern. So if you help us, we will be encouraged to continue updating on this issue.

  2. On 10/10/2021 at 9:22 AM, Guest Jennifer said:

    I have rosacea on my nose.  I have had it for 3 years, with little notice, but now it is getting really bad with bigger pores and bumps getting bigger and bigger on top and sides of my nose.  I have taken the  2 prescription medications recommended with poor results.  I have had it scraped 1 time 2 years ago but it did nothing.  I have alcohol a couple times a month.  Does anyone know what can slow down the process on the nose please?

    first you stop consuming alcohol completely and see the result after one month. I am not saying that alcohol is causing your rosacea getting worse but sometimes it happens that any trigger which causes flare-ups, if we consume them only once would immediately cause flare-ups. This is only to see whether alcohol is your trigger or not and please share your results. 

  3. On 9/28/2021 at 3:30 PM, rss said:

    J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021 Sep 28. doi: 10.1111/jocd.14483. Online ahead of print.


    BACKGROUND: Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects people's life quality. It has been found to be related to many detrimental factors including ultraviolet exposure. However, the association between alcohol consumption and rosacea has long been debated.

    AIMS: To elucidate this association, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis.

    METHODS: We performed a systematic search of the literature published before February 16, 2021 on PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane database and used a meta-analytic approach to calculate the pooled odds ratios (ORs) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs).

    RESULTS: Finally, 14 eligible studies were identified, and alcohol consumption was not found to be a risk factor for rosacea. However, in subgroup analysis, alcohol consumption increased the risk of phymatous rosacea (PhR) and the pooled OR was 4.17 (95% CI = 1.76-9.91).

    CONCLUSION: Overall, our study showed that alcohol consumption was a risk factor in phymatous rosacea (PhR). More studies of rosacea investigating sex distribution, alcohol intake levels, and types of alcoholic beverages consumed are needed in the future.

    PMID:34582097 | DOI:10.1111/jocd.14483

    {url} = URL to article

    Only little group study with 14 candidates will not suffice the result of alcohol consumption not as a risk factor in rosacea and we over and over say that every rosacea person has different triggers associated with them and depends on the the degree of alcohol consumption just like any other intake triggers.

  4. On 9/23/2021 at 3:30 PM, rss said:

    J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021 Sep 20:S0190-9622(21)02502-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.024. Online ahead of print.


    Antibiotic resistance is a growing health concern that has attracted increasing attention from clinicians and scientists in recent years. While resistance is an inevitable consequence of bacterial evolution and natural selection, misuse and overuse of antibiotics plays a significant role in its acceleration. Antibiotics are the mainstay of therapy for common dermatoses, including acne and rosacea, as well as skin and soft tissue infections. Therefore, it is critical for dermatologists and physicians across all disciplines to identify, appropriately manage, and prevent cases of antibiotic resistance. This review explores dermatologic conditions in which development of antibiotic resistance is a risk and discusses mechanisms underlying the development of resistance. We discuss disease-specific strategies for overcoming resistant strains and improving antimicrobial stewardship along with recent advances in the development of novel approaches to counter antibiotic resistance.

    PMID:34555484 | DOI:10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.024

    {url} = URL to article

    Yes it is a growing concern because it could be possible that no antibiotic will be left to cure the diseases in future because bacteria could develop resistance to every antibiotic since we are using antibiotics without any concern and knowledge and antibiotic stewardship programs make aware people and physicians of antibiotic prescription and use. I have covered these topics earlier here and here.

  5. On 9/12/2021 at 3:30 PM, rss said:

    J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021 Sep 12. doi: 10.1111/jocd.14454. Online ahead of print.


    PMID:34510704 | DOI:10.1111/jocd.14454

    {url} = URL to article

    Yes it is likely possible that following mohs surgery, rosacea can exacerbate in patient because in mohs surgery, the cancer skin is excised and removed and the normal skin tissue is not disturbed but following skin excision and removal, the normal skin environment is disturbed and so it can cause rosacea exacerbation.

  6. On 9/3/2021 at 3:30 PM, rss said:

    Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2021 Sep 2. doi: 10.1007/s13555-021-00597-7. Online ahead of print.


    Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by centrofacial erythema, papules, pustules, and telangiectasias. The onset of rosacea typically occurs after 30 years of age. It is estimated that approximately 2-5% of adults worldwide are affected. While the exact etiology of rosacea remains unknown, its pathogenesis is thought to be multifactorial with both environmental and genetic factors implicated. Ultraviolet radiation, heat, steam, ingested agents, including spicy foods and alcohol, host vasculature, dermal matrix degeneration, genetic susceptibility, and microbial organisms, including Demodex mites and Heliobacter pylori, have been implicated in the development of rosacea. Recently, mast cells (MCs) have emerged as key players in the pathogenesis of rosacea through the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, proteases, and antimicrobial peptides leading to cutaneous vasodilation, angiogenesis, and tissue fibrosis. Several existing and emerging topical, oral, and injectable therapeutics have been associated with improvement of rosacea symptoms based on their ability to stabilize and downregulate activated MCs. Herein, we review the data implicating MCs in the pathogenesis of rosacea and discuss interventions that may stabilize this pathway.

    PMID:34476755 | DOI:10.1007/s13555-021-00597-7

    {url} = URL to article

    Yes because anything which comes into contact with skin, skin has resident immune cells and they are primarily come into rescue just like army men and mast cells are one of them. They play a key role as army men. So it would be a better immunotherapy if we target mast cells.

  7. 11 hours ago, Miss said:

    Is green tea a trigger?  I drink a lot every day.  I don't seem to notice a difference after I drink it.  Could it just be affecting my baseline redness?

    and anything which you are consuming a lot may cause trigger. Drink but one or two times a day and see if it changes anything because you need to watch what triggers you or what not.

  8. On 7/3/2021 at 12:13 PM, ElaineA said:

    Lets put things in perspective here.

    Oral Metronidazole was first introduced in 1960.   Oral Metronidazole is a highly effective drug against certain types of bacteria and parasites. Hundreds of millions of doses of this drug have been given over the last 61 years.  Oral Metronidazole is on the WHO's list of 100 essential medications. In general, Oral Metronidazole has a good safety record.   

    In the papers mentioned above,  6 people out of tens of millions are reported as having a RARE, serious reaction to Oral Metronidazole, most after prolonged use.  While this was certainly a serious situation for the people that it happened to, it doesn't mean that everyone is in danger of this complication.   Taking any antibiotic for a prolonged period of time is generally not advisable.   Almost every medication out there has serious side effects for some people.

    I was given the antibiotic Minocin (minocycline) for 6-8 years by 4 different dermatologists who all misdiagnosed Rosacea Subtype 2 as bacterial acne.  My Rosacea Subtype 3 was misdiagnosed as allergic conjunctivitis.  Eventually, the Minocin triggered Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) that didn't stop until I stopped taking the drug.  Decades later my Rosacea Subtype 2 and 3 became severe.   2 weeks on the Oral Ivermectin + Oral Metronidazole treatment cured it.  I had zero bad side effects to either the Oral Ivermectin or the Oral Metronidazole.  It became obvious after the fact that I also had had the symptoms of Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) since I was a teenager.   The Oral Ivermectin killed the demodex skin mites that SIBO had allowed to become severely over-populated.  The Oral Metronidazole cured the SIBO which fixed the Rosacea.  3.5 years later I'm still clear after decades of fighting skin, eye and abdominal issues. 



    Yes Elaine we sometimes take antibiotics on our own and due to the misdiagnosis of physician and taking antibiotics for a longer period of time (you mentioned years) would adversely affect our overall system because we live with so many microorganisms inside as well as outside on our skin. Most of the microbes are friendly and live with commensalism but taking wrong antibiotics or unnecessarily when you do not have any issue or taking steadily for a longer period of time not only cause side effects but will make your microbes resistant to antibiotics whether they are friendly and when they become resistant they cause serious problems and I guess because of this, you get these issues and your rosacea also became worse. 

  9. On 7/8/2021 at 7:30 PM, Guide said:


    An article published at mgblifestyle, discusses 'cold and formaldehyde-containing foods' as well as 'a pretty fancy-sounding protein' (actually a couple of fancy sounding proteins) that 'sets off a chain reaction that ultimately results in the release of histamines and cathelicidins by your skin's immune system.' The two proteins discussed in the article are transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) and transient receptor potential alkyrin 1 (TRPA1). 

    New Research Shows How Certain Foods & Drinks Affect Rosacea, Alexandra Engler, mgblifestyle

    Grapefruit image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    Yes actually I went through her article on these proteins and food triggers when I read the heading I thought these natural food items are good when consumed but when I read through it I found that these compounds are found in a very trace amount naturally in these foods and do not cause any problem as such but when these chemical compounds are used as preservatives in food and personal care products, then it is of concern. Obviously we all know that preservatives are very bad for our overall health because it keeps our food fresh for a longer period of time and we can understand that what keeps our stuff fresh whether food or skin products for a longer period of time, would badly affect in a long run and when you are already immune sensitive.

    Eat natural as possible as you can which directly comes from nature (whether fruits or vegetables) and don't go overboard with anything. Eat less Packaged foods or remove it from your lifestyle. Understand your body and its functions. See, we take a lot of myths but what suits you, may not suit the other person when it comes to rosacea and it is all about trial and error and you need to find out what suits you best.

  10. 20 hours ago, Guide said:

    Good point. The papers on coffee point this out. There may be evidence that caffeine triggers a flush, but there is no evidence that coffee or tea causes a rosacea flareup. Usually the confusion is when rosaceans think flushing is rosacea or rosacea is flushing, which adds to this quandary. However, if avoiding flushing is important to a rosacean, then it would be prudent to carefully avoid caffeine induced flushing. 

    Correct point. Rather you can decrease the consumption of tea and coffee. I myself drink tea regularly and sometimes coffee instead of tea but I never get any flushing. Drinking only one cup of tea or coffee in a whole day is OK but if you drink more than one cup will definitely cause flushing and not good for health.

  11. Oil Pulling is not a new thing as people are considering now a days to flush toxins out of their body but it has its root in Ayurveda in an ancient text "Charak Samhita" and is called "Gandusha Kriya", which is an ancient practice of swishing or holding the prescribed substance in the mouth for a prolonged time. Which basically says that toxins and bacteria build up in the mouth will be drawn out by holding the substance until saliva fills your mouth to the point where you can not control the hold.


    How to do oil pulling?

    1. It should be done in the morning after you wake up and before brush.

    2. The substance prescribed for gandusha (depending on the problem) are milk, honey, ghee or oils such as; sesame oil, olive oil or coconut oil but I do it with coconut oil. 

    3. Do not swallow oil as it has toxins and bacteria in it. try to hold properly because your mouth will be filled with saliva gradually.

    4. Spit out thoroughly and after a while wash your mouth and then you can brush your teeth.

    5. Do it regularly and make it a practice.


    Now the point is why I am explaining this practice here? Apart from clearing toxins and bacteria, it treats dental and oral problems and helps stabilize digestive functions. After clearing your toxins, obviously you have gotten rid of so many internal problems but there are some great benefits of oil pulling for the skin.

    Benefits of oil pulling for the skin

      Gandusha helps tone your skin and bring glow to your skin and softens the rough surface, lines and wrinkles and the most important thing doing this is that it helps reduce my flushing by slowly lessening the visible blood vessels.

    I have been doing this practice, so I know, it helps in rosacea by improving your skin and if you do it daily, you will find improvement in your rosacea gradually. Make this a practice first thing in the morning.

  12. On 3/24/2021 at 3:30 PM, rss said:

    Am J Clin Dermatol. 2021 Mar 23. doi: 10.1007/s40257-021-00595-7. Online ahead of print.


    Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis mainly affecting the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. Rosacea is characterized by recurrent episodes of flushing or transient erythema, persistent erythema, phymatous changes, papules, pustules, and telangiectasia. The eyes may also be involved. Due to rosacea affecting the face, it has a profound negative impact on quality of life, self-esteem, and well-being. In addition to general skin care, there are several approved treatment options available for addressing these features, both topical and systemic. For some features, intense pulse light, laser, and surgery are of value. Recent advances in fundamental scientific research have underscored the roles of the innate and adaptive immune systems as well as neurovascular dysregulation underlying the spectrum of clinical features of rosacea. Endogenous and exogenous stimuli may initiate and aggravate several pathways in patients with rosacea. This review covers the new phenotype-based diagnosis and classification system reflecting pathophysiology, and new and emerging treatment options and approaches. We address new topical and systemic formulations, as well as recent evidence on treatment combinations. In addition, ongoing studies investigating novel therapeutic interventions will be summarized.

    PMID:33759078 | DOI:10.1007/s40257-021-00595-7

    {url} = URL to article

    Yes neurovascular regulation is directly related to rosacea. when we itch aberrantly in this condition, that is the reason that our neurovascular regulation is disturbed and causing aggressive itch to occur and we need to find out what causing this communication between neuropeptides and immune cells in chronic inflammation?

  13. On 3/24/2021 at 8:37 AM, Rob said:

    Try Cetaphil Baby Wash & Shampoo with Organic Calendula.  Calendula is a traditional treatment for blepharitis symptoms.  It took 4 weeks of gentle wiping in the shower for conditions to improve, something that antibiotic/steroid drops could not do over 2 years.

    I have used dried Calendula flowers infused with coconut oil and applied this concoction for few months and it has amazing effects on erythema and soothes your irritating skin.

  14. What if you could divide your whole meal which you consume in one day into half raw and half cooked means I eat my meals which have some cooked veggies and grains and cereals and have equal amount of fruits, raw salad and leafy vegetables chopped in it. My meals contain cooked items and raw items both. So, basically you do not eat whole day only cooked food, you also take a lot of fibers, vitamins, minerals through raw items also. So it should have a perfect balance of both things. Actually some people do not prefer eating any raw salad item at night because they cause bloating and gas production and it is a good thing not eating any raw food at night because according to Ayurveda, our stomach follows the sun's energy and as the sun goes up, our stomach fire is high at that time and whatever you eat during the day, you easily digest the food and do not eat both raw and cooked together because they both take different time to digest. Raw foods take longer to digest and cooked food takes less time than raw to digest and when they are eaten together they cause imbalance and foods which are undigested are stuck in your colon produce toxins and release these contents into your blood and are the cause of different diseases including rosacea. People not understanding what they are eating, how they are eating, is the cause of chronic diseases. So clearing your gut is the most important thing to consider because not only it helps in managing your rosacea but it helps in other ailments also. It's a very simple deal.

  15. On 2/17/2021 at 1:06 AM, Admin said:

    Demodex mites are normal inhabitant of skin surface and found in low numbers in healthy individuals but when their numbers are increased and replicate they cause problematic conditions and cause rosacea because they secrete proinflammatory mediators which interact with skin resident immune cells and signaling pathways causing inflammatory responses.

  16. On 2/16/2021 at 9:19 PM, Admin said:

    Depression is one further stage of chronic stress when you prolong the stress period for a longer period of time,it gradually steps into depression and you all know very well that stress is directly related to rosacea. even when you panic about something or any situation your skin suddenly shows the symptoms of rosacea out of nowhere.

  17. On 2/16/2021 at 9:17 PM, Admin said:

    Oxidative stress is something our body's cells go through and accumulate reactive oxygen species in cells and here antioxidants come into play which neutralizes these ROS by giving one electron to it and hence we talk about antioxidants heavily in skin care because oxidative stress causes ageing and related to inflammation which is a part of rosacea.

  18. On 2/16/2021 at 9:07 PM, Admin said:

    Intestinal bacterial overgrowth is really a major thing when considering rosacea because I have experienced personally when I have irritable bowel and disturbed intestine I understand that it is connected to my rosacea and intestinal bacterial overgrowth causes rosacea to worsen.

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