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Sumbody Face Serum

$32 RRDi Affiliate Store
Purchase. Sumbody Simple Solution Red Corrector Serum
About the product
100% natural
Gentle, calming blend of noncomedogenic oils
Promotes healthy even skin tone
Nourishes and restores balance
Product description
Our Simple Solution Face Serum is just that; a simple solution for Rosacea sufferers or anyone with incredibly, dry, sensitive, irritated skin. Calming and soothing agents provide relief from itchy, inflamed skin while also healing damaged areas and offering further protection for your sensitive skin. Powerful oils full of antioxidants penetrate the skin and add barriers to prevent bacteria, toxins, and pollutants from breaking down skin cells and irritating pores.


About Sumbody Face Serum

Purchase. Sumbody Simple Solution Red Corrector Serum
About the product
100% natural
Gentle, calming blend of noncomedogenic oils
Promotes healthy even skin tone
Nourishes and restores balance
Product description
Our Simple Solution Face Serum is just that; a simple solution for Rosacea sufferers or anyone with incredibly, dry, sensitive, irritated skin. Calming and soothing agents provide relief from itchy, inflamed skin while also healing damaged areas and offering further protection for your sensitive skin. Powerful oils full of antioxidants penetrate the skin and add barriers to prevent bacteria, toxins, and pollutants from breaking down skin cells and irritating pores.

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