The purpose of the Rosacea Research & Development Institute [RRDi] is to fund research and development for finding a cure for rosacea by establishing a Medical Advisory Committee [MAC] of the best available minds on rosacea and to publish the results of this endeavor to the public and professional groups. This MAC will provide the direction of the research. Research may also include studying various treatments for the control of rosacea in multi-center, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial studies. The RRDi is commited to support patient advocacy for those suffering from rosacea. This organization is open to the public and membership is free and has been organized by rosaceans for rosaceans. This organization is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Hawaii and 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status approval has been obtained from the IRS effective June 7, 2004. The Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws, and the Conflict of Interest Policy are available for the public.
Membership is open to the public and is free for volunteers. Rosaceans are specially invited to join. All who join providing contact information become members of the corporation and for now this number is not limited but may be revised in the future by the institute. There are two categories of members:
Voting Member (a member who choses voluntarily to provide contact information, i.e., first and last name, mailing address and phone number, email addresses) and has a diagnosis of rosacea.
Non Voting Member (a member who only provides one email address).
An Active Member is one who has posted within the last thirty days and has full access to the RRDi website. An Inactive Member is one who has not posted in the last thirty days and is therefore restricted to guest privlieges of access to the site until such time as the member becomes active again and full access to the site is restored. Any SUBSCRIBED member is not restricted to post within thirty days and may or may not post as long as the subscription is active. Volunteer Active Members may waive the subscription fee as long as they post at least once a month.
A rosacean is anyone who is diagnosed by a physician as having rosacea. All that is necessary to be designated a voting member is a statement from the member that a diagnosis of rosacea has been obtained from a physician as well as the contact information mentioned above for voting members. Voting members should be rosacea sufferers (rosaceans).
Non-rosaceans are permitted to join and should identify themselves as such upon demand from the institute. Non-rosaceans are those who have not obtained a diagnosis of rosacea by a physician.
Any member of the institute may be removed from the membership at any time at the sole discretion of the institute. Rules of the institute are published and available to the public. Violation of the rules may be grounds for termination as a member of the institute. Membership in the institute is a privilege and not a right.
Funding will provide a rosacea MAC of the best available minds on finding a cure for this disease. The selection of who is chosen to be in this MAC will be based on not only the qualifications of the individual but also from nominations by both rosacean and non rosaceans voting members of the institute.
Sources of funding to the institute will be publicized including the name of the donor unless the donor requests anonymity. Expenses of the institute will be publicized down to the last cent, showing where all the spending went and for what purpose since transparency is a core principle of our non profit organization.
The philosophy and spirit of this institute is that funding should predominately be used for research and development and not for the administration of the institute. Volunteers are an integral part of this spirit and we hope to include member rosaceans and non-rosaceans who are willing to help the purpose of the institute become a reality. We need your help to find a cure for rosacea, to research rosacea, to publish the findings of this research and provide a MAC of the best available minds on rosacea. The views and suggestions of rosaceans will be an integral part in directing the research on rosacea, in choosing the MAC and the directors of the institute. Voting members of the institute will have a voice in the decision making of the institute, although directors of the institute will make all final decisions.
Members of the institute will not profit from the institute however the Medical Advisory Committee members or members may be compensated for services rendered to the institute.
Voting members will elect a board of directors that includes:
Director, Assistant Director, Secretary, Treasurer and/or other board members. The board of directors will decide all matters of the institute and will be volunteers.
Funding on rosacea research by the RRDi will not be used on animal testing.
Our Mission Statement may be read by clicking here.
This charter may be revised from time to time by the institute when deemed appropriate at the sole discretion of the institute. Updated 10/30/2023.