We're searching for volunteers. Volunteering has been shown to improve not only your health but also your hope.
Read more about the benefits of volunteering
An Active Member is one who has subscribed or who volunteers to post. An Inactive Member is one who has not subscribed or posted in the last thirty days and is therefore restricted to guest privleges of access to the site until such time as the member becomes active again and posts. Any SUBSCRIBED member is not restricted to post within thirty days. Volunteer Active Members may waive the subscription fee if they post at least once a month. If you want to have your membership as a volunteer active member and have the subscription fee waived use the fill out this form. If you are an inactive member mention when filling out the form to volunteer that you are already registered with the RRDi but have become inactive so we can activate your membership to post.
Some rosaceans tend to center themselves on their own skin issues resulting in a spiral into reciprocal deep depression with a tendency to isolate themselves. Volunteering breaks this cycle. It forces a rosacean into seeing that there are others out there with even more severe cases of rosacea than what they are experiencing. Helping a fellow rosacea suffer is worth every effort you can muster. The satisfaction of volunteering as a rosacean for other rosaceans is only experienced if you take the step to offer yourself willingly as a RRDi volunteer rosacean.
Could you seriously consider volunteering for the RRDi? We are appealing to millennials to think about helping others with rosacea through our non profit organization so we can keep this web site on the internet with its wealth of information on rosacea. If some don't step up to the plate and volunteer the RRDi may eventually close up shop. Seriously, do you want to see this organization cease? The statistics globally show that volunteering is dropping (read this post). Then read below why you are needed.
An Active Member is one who has posted within the last thirty days and has full access to the RRDi website. An Inactive Member is one who has not posted in the last thirty days and is therefore restricted to guest privlieges of access to the site until such time as the member becomes active again and full access to the site is restored. Any SUBSCRIBED member is not restricted to post within thirty days. Volunteer Active Members may waive the subscription fee.
If you would like to volunteer by simply joining our cause adding you name to our list and do nothing more that is the easiest way to volunteer. At the very least join the RRDi to increase our membership and if that is all you can do we understand and appreciate whatever you can do. Your email address is all we require to join. Our goal is to reach 10,000 members. And we are a grassroots, non profit organization.
If all you can do to volunteer is post on our website, that is probably the best thing you can do. Just post and show you care about other rosacea sufferers. Your experience with rosacea may inspire others to join our cause. Two Steps to Volunteer.
Social Media
Where have all the rosaceans gone? Social media. So, if you prefer Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit or any other social media rosacea PRIVATE group, why not join the RRDi and be a moderator for the RRDi Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Reddit groups? That way you can still be in your favorite platform and be a volunteer for the RRDi. We need moderators for our RRDi social media rosacea groups as volunteers. Watch this 3 minute video below for more information:Volunteers are needed to recruit more members, for fund raising, public relations, writers to write posts on our member forum, editors for the newsletter, accounting/book keeping, webmasters, forum moderators, board members, researchers, Google AdWords expert, and grant writers. If you have a skill not mentioned, let us know. Why not suggest what you might volunteer to do when you join the RRDi, and in the application to become a corporate member there is a place to add a comment what your volunteer skills are. If you have questions, contact us. If you want to know what will volunteering do for you (?), skip down to the subheading, 'What's in it for me below.'
We would like to offer each author reimbursement if we publish the article in the next Journal of the RRDi. If you want to volunteer to be on the publication team as an editor, author, proofreader, or any other job please join our cause and state in the comment box you want to join the Journal Publication Team.
Volunteers are needed for the public relations committee or to write requests for donations to major corporations in our Funding Committee. Please join and mention you would like to help on the Funding Committee or for Public Relations. Or you can personally write a fund raiser letter using this sample letter.
To Volunteer as a Writer please join. Check our announcements for special needs. Writers, editors, graphic artists and proof readers are needed! We have the ability to turn your post into an article. Why not post your article?
Volunteer to write letters for donations by clicking here.
Grant Writers are needed.
What's In It For Me?
There is scientific evidence that volunteering improves health and well being. For more information read this post.Volunteers may receive a special Gmail account associated with the RRDi domain email which is a Google Workspace (formerly G Suite, Google Apps) account associated with our domain, irosacea.org.
To know more about the Google Workspace click here.
You may receive the RRDi Newsletter by joining as a corporate member and requesting the newsletter by checking the box when you fill out the application.
You may receive on request a job referral with our letterhead if you volunteer for at least year to add to your resume or need a recommendation letter showing that you have regularly volunteered for our non profit organization.
Volunteers to POST comments in our member forum.
Volunteers to Write Donation Letters
Google AdWords Technician
Google Analytics Technician
Social Media Moderators
Forum Moderator
Steps to Volunteer
(1) Join the RRDi
Mention which job you are volunteering for or create your own volunteer job and mention this in the appropriate box when applying.
Another way to support is by purchasing our RRDi Tee Shirt, the Journal of the RRDi from Amazon or iUniverse which will help us continue its publication and may lead to some novel rosacea research. If you use Amazon why not check out our Amazon Affiliate Store using our shopping cart is another way to support our non profit. If you care to donate that would be appreciated. Two Steps to Volunteer.