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About this blog

This is my blog. Basically this is to show you as an example what you can do with your own RRDi blog, which is free to members. And you can make your blog private and only invite certain members to view your rosacea blog. 

You can upload photos, links, and make your own blog. Why not get started? 

All you do is join the RRDi and go to blogs and start your own. 

Entries in this blog

Brady's Blog

Brady's Blog If you ever wanted to start your own rosacea blog, we have the tools for you to do this. Then you can refer to your blog when posting elsewhere. It is free for members. And you can set your blog to PRIVATE so that only members you invite can view your blog. While my blog is public, so that you can see how a blog works, when setting up your own rosacea blog you simply set it to PRIVATE and only invite who you want to view your blog.  The RRDi understands y


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