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Rosacea in remission after natural healing protocols


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  • MAC Member


Hello Friends! I am a current RRDi MAC member and I wanted to share with you two new resources that may be helpful to those trying to heal their rosacea naturally. I suffered with rosacea for 20 years until I stumbled upon Rosaceagroup.org in November 2019 and learned about demodex mites, gut healing, liver healing, and much more. I took that information and RAN with it. Over the next two months I started using ZZ cream, did a 30 Day Cleanse, spleen detox, heavy metal detox, and stopped using cortisone and Metrogel. The results were so much more than what I could have expected. Not only did my rosacea heal, but in the months to come my asthma, allergies, thyroid and systemic inflammation healed as well. I've now spent the past several months treating rosacea patients holistically using the same approaches, based on a very detailed history. 

Despite my personal healing and the healing that my patients have seen, I'm finding a significant lack of information for those wanting to heal their rosacea without medications. I've seen a lot of books about diet and food intolerances, but rosacea is so much more than that. One resource that has been very helpful to my patients is a podcast Heal with Mimi Maclean. I was interviewed for this podcast last week, and the episode is in this link.

I do hope this information will be helpful to the community.  :)


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