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Everything posted by RedVelvet

  1. Erythrophobia is the fear of blushing. The more your worry about your skin turning red, the more anxious you become and the more frequently it happens. It often occurs in people with rosacea, and becomes worse as they become more self conscious of their skin turning red. However, erythrophobia can exist on its own and often prevents people from taking part in social activities and public speaking. April Poynter, author of Pressing Forward has a YouTube channel where she discusses how to overcome erythrophobia through cognitive behavioral therapy. This is a link to her latest episode where we both discuss erythrophobia, anxiety, rosacea, and drug-free treatment options for these conditions.
  2. Erythrophobia is the fear of blushing. The more your worry about your skin turning red, the more anxious you become and the more frequently it happens. It often occurs in people with rosacea, and becomes worse as they become more self conscious of their skin turning red. However, erythrophobia can exist on its own and often prevents people from taking part in social activities and public speaking. April Poynter, author of Pressing Forward has a YouTube channel where she discusses how to overcome erythrophobia through cognitive behavioral therapy. This is a link to her latest episode where we both discuss erythrophobia, anxiety, rosacea, and drug-free treatment options for these conditions.
  3. Mimi Maclean interviews Dr. Tara O'Desky about addressing the underlying causes of rosacea. Rosacea and What Skin Issues Tell You with Dr. Tara O’Desky - Lyme 360
  4. Heal Podcast with Mimi Maclean interviews Dr. Tara O'Desky about chronic disease and reversing rosacea. Rosacea and What Skin Issues Tell You with Dr. Tara O’Desky - Lyme 360
  5. Podcast interview with Todd LePine M.D. Intervew with Dr. Todd LePine who treats rosacea by addressing the underlying conditions.
  6. I wanted to share this podcast by Mark Hyman MD where he interviews Todd LePine MD about the underlying causes of rosacea, including gut health, and the prevalence of demodex mites. Podcast interview with Todd LePine M.D.
  7. There are many encouraging stories of people who've healed their rosacea by addressing the underlying causes. One of those is often NOT diet, nutrition, toxins, but emotions such as anger and resentment. In Chinese medicine, these emotions live in the liver and spleen, often the organs related to rosacea. The story of Georgie Holbrooke describes this in great detail.
  8. Hello Friends, I wanted to share with you some information that has helped many rosacea patients I've worked with this past year in my practice. By finding and treating the underlying health conditions (gut, liver, viruses, heavy metals, root canals, vitamin deficiencies, among others) rosacea can be healed. Not medicated, not covered up, but healed. The problem is systemic inflammation which presents as rosacea. For more information on this topic, I have created a 7- week program which will include live virtual calls, a 30 day cleanse, and all the information you ever wanted to know about healing naturally. Here is the link to the program RECLAIM ROSACEA PROGRAM. Next session starts February 10th 2021.
  9. In 2019 I began doing all sorts of detoxes and cleanses for liver, gut, spleen, heavy metals... anything that could possibly be causing my rosacea. The result was that my rosacea went away, but I've since shared my theories with many patients who are seeing similar results. Heavy metals can build up in your body in your gut, liver, brain and thyroid. They are in our water, soil, foods, cookware, amalgams, and canned food. I discuss this at length in my new podcast interview and I've started a natural healing program which will teach people how to discover (and heal) the underlying causes of rosacea. The program can be found here. Rosacea Healing Program. I encourage all of you to continue to DIG to find out your root cause, and that is the way to heal! ☺️
  10. Hello Friends! I am a current RRDi MAC member and I wanted to share with you two new resources that may be helpful to those trying to heal their rosacea naturally. I suffered with rosacea for 20 years until I stumbled upon Rosaceagroup.org in November 2019 and learned about demodex mites, gut healing, liver healing, and much more. I took that information and RAN with it. Over the next two months I started using ZZ cream, did a 30 Day Cleanse, spleen detox, heavy metal detox, and stopped using cortisone and Metrogel. The results were so much more than what I could have expected. Not only did my rosacea heal, but in the months to come my asthma, allergies, thyroid and systemic inflammation healed as well. I've now spent the past several months treating rosacea patients holistically using the same approaches, based on a very detailed history. Despite my personal healing and the healing that my patients have seen, I'm finding a significant lack of information for those wanting to heal their rosacea without medications. I've seen a lot of books about diet and food intolerances, but rosacea is so much more than that. One resource that has been very helpful to my patients is a podcast Heal with Mimi Maclean. I was interviewed for this podcast last week, and the episode is in this link. I do hope this information will be helpful to the community.
  11. Hello Friends! I am a current RRDi MAC member and I wanted to share with you two new resources that may be helpful to those trying to heal their rosacea naturally. I suffered with rosacea for 20 years until I stumbled upon Rosaceagroup.org in November 2019 and learned about demodex mites, gut healing, liver healing, and much more. I took that information and RAN with it. Over the next two months I started using ZZ cream, did a 30 Day Cleanse, spleen detox, heavy metal detox, and stopped using cortisone and Metrogel. The results were so much more than what I could have expected. Not only did my rosacea heal, but in the months to come my asthma, allergies, thyroid and systemic inflammation healed as well. I've now spent the past several months treating rosacea patients holistically using the same approaches, based on a very detailed history. Despite my personal healing and the healing that my patients have seen, I'm finding a significant lack of information for those wanting to heal their rosacea without medications. I've seen a lot of books about diet and food intolerances, but rosacea is so much more than that. One resource that has been very helpful to my patients is a podcast called Heal that interviews doctors who have healed their rosacea, or other chronic illnesses such as lyme. I was interviewed for this podcast last week, and the episode is in this link. I do hope this information will be helpful to the community.
  12. I believe it can. I had rosacea for 20 years which only got worse over the years. I have been rosacea free since February 2020 after beginning natural treatments involving gut, liver, detoxes, and demodex mite control. I started my natural treatments in December 2019 and continue to have clear skin. Every day I find more and more people with similar stories to mine. It's real, you just don't hear about it. I wrote my story in a blog with a list of resources to help heal gut, liver, demodex, heavy metal toxicity, etc. Here is the link! Hope it will be helpful to some of you.
  13. Hi friends. I wanted to share a resource with you from a friend of mine. As a rosacea sufferer for 20 years, I recently healed my rosacea through changes in diet (no gluten, no dairy), a sulfur cream (ZZ), and multiple detoxes and cleanses for liver, spleen, heavy metals and viruses. It took a few months to clear, but it's been 10 months now and I continue to be rosacea free. I recently was interviewed for a podcast called Heal which discusses chronic illness such as lyme and rosacea. collection of podcasts. There is some fantastic information for those who have already gone the pharma route with no success, or simply want holistic options. The website is here. Good luck and don't give up. Healing is possible, trust me.
  14. RedVelvet

    Brady's Blog

    Do we have an instagram account for RRDi? I'm pretty useless with Facebook but find Instagram much easier to navigate, and I'd be happy to set one up if we don't have one yet. It would refer people to RRDi, and you are so right about Reddit. I tried answering a question for someone on Reddit who was asking for the name of a "chinese sulfur cream for rosacea" and when I named ZZ in my post, it was taken down because they said I wasn't able to discuss a product that wasn't FDA approved. ??? But Reddit is just full of pharma advertisements!
  15. Wonderful compilation of reports, Brady. I have also been in touch with several people personally who continue to express gratitude for ZZ cream and awareness of the demodex mite issue. Thank you for your continued work!
  16. Hi Steven, I read your post, and I sympathize. We are all part of this community trying to help each other with trial and error solutions. After 20 years of rosacea, I decided to research everything I could about the disease. Most of what I learned came from the rosaceagroup.org website and this one. Together they are a fantastic resource and you can read about things you never would have thought of. I am one of the lucky ones who had great success with finding a "cure" which involved multiple components: gut health, (I did a cleanse, a fast and a heavy metal detox), adding specific supplements, changing/reducing the products I used on my face, and treating my skin for demodex mites. I never took oral antibiotics and since November I have not used any medications on my face. Your answers will likely be different than mine, but reading and researching are key. I'm always interested when people say their rosacea came on suddenly. What changed? Environment? Job? Housing? Diet? Lifestyle? Chemical exposure? Relationship? There was probably something; you just have to put the pieces together. That will help you to address the cause, not just treat the symptoms. Keep us posted!
  17. BlackMamba24, I had amazing success with ZZ cream and I urge you to keep going. I documented my pics and journey on rosacegroup.org and my name is "redvelvet." I did also do a lot with gut cleanses prior to starting ZZ, and I cut out sugar entirely. I still eat bread though!!! Now I take the following supplements daily: magnesium, B2 and a spleen support product. I also have a lot of pictures that I took weekly during the treatment and they are all posted on my website/blog "rosaceahelp.org". I am so grateful for what I learned on this forum and rosaceagroup. I believe i'd still be walking around with rosacea if it weren't for the amazing stories I read here. Good luck!
  18. Hi Apurva, I know exactly what you are talking about and I experienced it twice in the past two years. The first episode was after we moved into our new house and I had been under a lot of stress and not eating well. I also considered the possibility that a change in environment could have triggered it. Different water, different air, new sheets/bedding, new washing machine. I think all these things can play a role in reactions when we have sensitive skin. It resolved on its own and then came back a year later for a week. I'm not sure what brought on the second episode, but I did a fast for 2 days which seemed to help a lot. I noticed over the years that whenever I would get the flu and not eat for a few days (and my stomach and colon would empty out) my skin would clear up immediately. So even though I've had food sensitivity testing done with no positive findings, I feel there is still a gut connection. When this occurred I also stopped using all facial products except coconut oil. Thinking back, I think my skin was also reacting to the coconut oil which has antiviral, antibiotic, antibacterial and anti fungal properties (the lauric acid in the oil). Since I had untreated demodex mites at the time I'm sure my skin was experiencing die-off from the coconut oil, which caused even more of a reaction. I would advise you to do a one or two day fast (but continue to drink herbal tea or cranberry juice as needed) until your skin heals and then try to think back on the past week or two if anything changed- medications, laundry detergent, facial products, etc. It's so hard to figure it all out, but I still believe rosacea can be controlled naturally with enough detective work. I would also advise you to keep a journal of foods, creams, medications, and hormonal changes. Good luck!
  19. Hi Apurva, I know exactly what you are talking about and I experienced it twice in the past two years. The first episode was after we moved into our new house and I had been under a lot of stress and not eating well. I also considered the possibility that a change in environment could have triggered it. Different water, different air, new sheets/bedding, new washing machine. I think all these things can play a role in reactions when we have sensitive skin. It resolved on its own and then came back a year later for a week. I'm not sure what brought on the second episode, but I did a fast for 2 days which seemed to help a lot. I noticed over the years that whenever I would get the flu and not eat for a few days (and my stomach and colon would empty out) my skin would clear up immediately. So even though I've had food sensitivity testing done with no positive findings, I feel there is still a gut connection. When this occurred I also stopped using all facial products except coconut oil. Thinking back, I think my skin was also reacting to the coconut oil which has antiviral, antibiotic, antibacterial and anti fungal properties (the lauric acid in the oil). Since I had untreated demodex mites at the time I'm sure my skin was experiencing die-off from the coconut oil, which caused even more of a reaction. I would advise you to do a one or two day fast (but continue to drink herbal tea or cranberry juice as needed) until your skin heals and then try to think back on the past week or two if anything changed- medications, laundry detergent, facial products, etc. It's so hard to figure it all out, but I still believe rosacea can be controlled naturally with enough detective work. I would also advise you to keep a journal of foods, creams, medications, and hormonal changes. Good luck!
  20. I am eternally grateful for the members of the forum for sharing their experiences. I spent hours/days/weeks reading posts, articles, and research studies published on the forum. I was determined to figure out what was causing my rosacea, and I did. My dermatologists never mentioned demodex mites or the damage they can do to your skin. Once I learned about this, I was on the right path. I hope to help others through this long arduous process. Please feel free to contact me with any questions!
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