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Wanted 100 RRDi Subscribers


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  • 1 month later...
  • Root Admin

100 Active Subscribers Need to keep the RRDi going.

If you can donate two dollars a month (minimum is one dollar if your subscribe for three or more months) by subscribing to the RRDi for one year as an active member this should be enough to keep the RRDi going. Please seriously consider this. Thanks. 

If you can only donate for one month we request $2 since that helps with the PayPal or Stripe fee we incur when you join. 

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  • Guide pinned this topic
  • 2 months later...
  • Root Admin

If you think the RRDi is heading in the correct direction but needs some improvement, why not step up the plate and volunteer. Would you like to volunteer to sit on the board of directors and make decisions to improve the RRDi?  The first step it to subscribe, then post your suggestions on our website, qualify to sit on the board of directors and if the board thinks you would be an improvement to our non profit organization, you may actually volunteer on the board of directors and improve the RRDi to go in the direction you think would be better. 

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  • Guide unpinned this topic
  • 1 year later...
  • Root Admin

If we had 100 core members who subscribe a dollar a month we could keep the RRDi website and non profit organization going. Would you be one the core 100 members who subscribe a dollar a month? 

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