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  • Root Admin

I did a search at Invision Community to understand what the difference is between a blog and a club and found this interesting article at the IC community for you to read. Learn how to improve a club with this information. Another post on clubs discusses recent improvements

If you need the instructions on how to setup your own club just click on the link below. You can make your club closed or totally public or private. You can have your own moderators and leaders. 

Here are the instructions

You have to be a member of the RRDi to do this but you can make it totally public and allow anyone to comment a reply, so that means anyone could put whatever they want, which may mean this will change later so that only RRDi members can comment. You can make up your own rules, set up moderators in your club, do your own thing. You are totally in control of your rosacea club. The RRDi rules still apply, i.e., no spam, no offensive material, etc.

So this is the Brady Barrows Club. Try posting something to my club. You may prefer a blog

There is a learning curve with the Invision Community Clubs, so why not start your own club and learn as you go?  Post your questions about this here in my club. 

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