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New Study Reveals High Cost of Azelaic Acid the Most Concern


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  • Root Admin

A study on 54 patients  who met eligibility criteria with azelaic acid reports, "The biggest concern was cost (11.1%), with a mean importance score (IS) on a 10-point scale of 9.3."  Other than this the report concludes, "Patient-reported side effects were rare. Minor patient-reported side effects and concerns do not appear to affect rosacea-related QoL and medication satisfaction. Compared to a previously conducted study of similar design with patients using metronidazole gel and metronidazole cream, more patients in the current study reported no concerns with their treatment, while the number of patients reporting no side effects, as well as mean SATMED-Q and DLQI scores, were similar."  For more information • Now there is a low cost generic

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