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NRS Form 990 for 2013


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  • Root Admin

The NRS released its Form 990 for 2013 to the public for review with a similar pattern of spending over the past 16 years. The NRS paints a rosy financial picture on its Financial Page with the following graph:


How the NRS obtains the figures for the above graph based on what is reported on the Form 990 is something you can try to figure out.

If you actually read the Form 990 you will note four items worthy of your consideration:

(1) The percentage of public funding (verses private corporate funding) is stated to be 32.4%

(2) The total donations received, both private and public, amounted to $768,368.

(3) The amount spent on rosacea research grants totaled $50,000. What this means is that for every dollar donated to the NRS only 6.5 cents is spent on rosacea research grants in 2013.

(4) The amount spent on two private contractors (corporations) owned by Sam Huff, President of the NRS, amounted to $457,219. Therefore, for every dollar donated to the NRS (in 2013) 59.5 cents is spent on two private contractors owned by the president of the NRS.

Here is a more accurate graph of the NRS expenses:


The public continues to donate to this non profit organization which amounts to 32 cents of every dollar donated to the NRS while the remaining donations are from 'industry' in the form of education grant donations. On the home page of the NRS site you can see some of the corporate sponsors which are reproduced below.



If you want to do something about this why not read why the RRDi was formed in the first place.

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