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Aspirin For Rosacea

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"Collectively we showed that aspirin exerts a curative effect on rosacea by attenuating skin inflammation and angiogenesis, suggesting a promising therapeutic candidate for the treatment of rosacea." [1]

An article in Dermatology Times by Rebecca Bryant entitled, Miracle-worker aspirin represses rosacea flushing, quotes Joseph B. Bikowski, M.D., a dermatologist practicing in Sewickley, Pa., and a clinical associate professor of dermatology at Ohio State University in Columbus as saying, "I have both migraines and rosacea. Several years ago, I was talking to Dr. Albert Klingman. He mentioned that there was an increased incidence of rosacea in people who have migraines. I knew some neurologists give one baby aspirin a day to migraine sufferers to try and prevent the dilation of blood vessels in the brain." The report goes on (Dr. Bikowski):

"He asked his rosacea patients to take a daily aspirin (81 mg) and maintain a log of flushing incidents, rating each day on a 1 to 10 scale. Within a month, many patients were experiencing less flushing and shorter episodes of erythema.

The goal of aspirin therapy is to suppress the vascular dilation associated with rosacea. In theory, that suppresses the body's flush response and reduces the incidence of persistent erythema." Therefore, asprin may help reduce flushing in rosacea and is a simple over-the-counter solution.

The NRS says, "aspirin may reduce the effects of niacin-containing foods in sufferers affected by these substances."

Linda Sy M.D., suggests "At bedtime: Take 1 baby aspirin; 1 chlor-trimeton(4 mg) and 1 tab of Tums (Calcium Carbonate, an antacid to offset the gastric irritating effect of the aspirin." Source

Enteric Coated Aspirin

The enteric coated 81 mg aspirin capsules are released in the small intestine rather than the stomach to prevent stomach issues and are easily found in any pharmacy or drug store.

Dr. Bikowski argues, "Aspirin therapy is safe. It's great for the heart. It's great for the colon. Why not the skin?" He further notes that there are few contraindications for aspirin use, it's inexpensive and it can be taken in combination with most drugs.

Dermatologists should advise patients of the standard warnings about the use of aspirin, even at low dosage. These include:

Look for enteric-coated tablets, which are more likely to dissolve in the intestines, avoiding stomach problems.

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End Notes

[1] Aspirin alleviates skin inflammation and angiogenesis in rosacea

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I found this article in the Houston Chronicle interesting since I take a 81 mg enteric coated Aspirin every day: 

"Q: This is a true story. In the 1950s, my grandmother was taking a "heart pill" her doctor had prescribed. The older doctor retired, and Granny went to see the new doctor to get her heart pill refilled. The young doctor told her: "Mrs. G., this is nothing but aspirin. There is nothing wrong with your heart."

He refused to refill her heart pill. Three weeks later she died of a heart attack. That was in the 1950s, before any research had been done on the effects of aspirin and the heart.

A: It took decades for the medical profession to recognize how useful aspirin could be in preventing heart attacks. A recent Swedish study discovered that people who discontinued low-dose aspirin were 37 percent more likely to have a hospitalization, heart attack or stroke (Circulation, online, Sept. 26, 2017).

"The investigators suggest that there may be rebound blood clotting when aspirin is stopped suddenly. Other research also has shown a link between aspirin discontinuation and serious cardiovascular events. If people need to stop aspirin prior to surgery or because of side effects, they should do so under careful medical supervision."

Sudden discontinuation of aspirin could create serious issues
By Joe Graedon and Teresa Graedon, Houston Chronicle

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