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Efficacy and Safety Results of Micellar Water, Cream and Serum for Rosacea in comparison to a control group.

J Cosmet Dermatol. 2020 Jul 05;:

Authors: Guertler A, Jøntvedt NM, Clanner-Engelshofen BM, Cappello C, Sager A, Reinholz M

BACKGROUND: Rosacea is a common inflammatory skin disorder with centrofacial erythema, flushing, telangiectasia, papules/pustules and possible ocular or phymatous manifestation. Patients' skin is particularly sensitive to chemical and physical stimuli leading to burning, stinging, dryness and skin tightness.
OBJECTIVE: Dermatological evaluation of the efficacy and safety of skin care products designed for centrofacial erythema in rosacea patients, in comparison to a control group using objective measurements. Rosacea symptoms (itching, tension, warmth, burning, dryness) and quality of life were examined.
METHODS: Sixty Caucasians with centrofacial erythema were enrolled in an eight-week prospective study, fifty of them exclusively using the study products (micellar water, cream and serum) with ten participants randomly assigned to a control group. Patients were evaluated at baseline (V0), at four weeks (V1) and at eight weeks (V2). Three-dimensional objective measurements (VECTRA® ) as well as standardized questionnaires were used.
RESULTS: Results were compared with the control group. A significant reduction of 16% in skin redness as indicated by VECTRA® analysis was seen in the intervention group comparing V0 to V2. Furthermore, rosacea associated symptoms diminished by 57.1%, while life quality of affected patients within the intervention group improved by 54.5% comparing V0 to V2 respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: A skin care regime suitable for sensitive and redness prone skin led to an enhanced clinical appearance, to a decrease of associated symptoms in rosacea patients and to an improved life quality.

PMID: 32623833 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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