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Xolair (Omalizumab)


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Xolair (Omalizumab), a brand name medication originally designed to reduce sensitivity to allergens, has been used to treat a variant of rosacea, Rosacea Lymphedema (Morbihan Disease)

"Omalizumab is used to treat people with severe, persistent allergic asthma, uncontrollable with oral or injectable corticosteroids." [1]

One paper concludes, "The abundance of mast cells, producing vasoactive substances, proteases and cathelicidins, such as Cath-37, may be important in the pathogenesis of rosacea as well as of MS, and studies indicate that the antihistamine ketotifen shows beneficial outcome in the treatment of rosacea. Omalizumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody that binds the circulating IgE antibodies and may stabilise mast cells in the treatment of chronic urti- caria. Typical flushes in MS and rosacea are similar to the temporary erythematous swellings observed in urticaria and angioedema. Accordingly, we hypothesize that omalizumab could stabilize mast cells in MS and reduce the temporary swelling." [2]

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End Notes 

[1] Omalizumab, Wikipedia

[2] Acta Derm Venereol. 2019 Jun 01;99(7):677-678
Morbihan Syndrome Successfully Treated with Omalizumab.
Kafi P, Edén I, Swartling C

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