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Google Hangouts Tutorial


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  • Root Admin

The RRDi uses Google Hangouts for it members who have domain accounts for video conferencing. This thread is to help newbies understand how this works. I have found this tutorial by Sue Soucy the best tutorial which you watch by clicking on her YouTube video tutorial below. However, you can learn a lot from the Official Google Hangouts Learning Center.

This what you will require to join private Official RRDi Google Hangouts:

(1) You will need a RRDi domain account since we are only allowing members to connect to official RRDi Google Hangouts. If you don't have one you can first join the RRDi and in the volunteer skills box explain you want a domain account. If you already are a RRDi member, then use this contact form and request a RRDi domain account.

(2) Once you have an official RRDi Gmail domain account, then login to Google Hangouts, using your irosacea.org domain account email address. This is required for official RRDi Google Hangouts.

(3) You will need a webcam. Many computers now come with built in web cams. Logitech makes cheap web cams if you don't have one.

(4) Headphones are required since if you don't have them you will increase the possibility of feedback which messes up the entire video conference.

The above tutorial has to do with public hangouts. We will be only using private hangouts for RRDi Official Google Hangouts. You really don't have to know how to set up a private hangout unless you intend to do one yourself. But if you want to understand how this works watch this tutorial:

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