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The Acne and Diet Connection: Or is it rosacea? A Nutritionist’s Story.


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"A dietitian is supposed to look healthy, after all....Over the past year I have gulped down pills, slathered on expensive creams, endured facial peels, and seen three different dermatologists. I desperately tried different diets, from gluten-free (despite a lack of supporting evidence) to very low glycemic (with some evidence) in the hopes of clearing my skin. Nothing seemed to make a lasting, significant difference. My husband convinced me to try one more dermatologist.
The doctor looked at my skin and wrote a couple of prescriptions. I asked her if she believes that diet affects acne. Like most dermatologists she explained, “There’s no strong evidence to warrant me prescribing a certain diet for you.” But then she took a closer look at my face and dropped a bomb: 'It looks like you might have rosacea.' "

The Acne and Diet Connection: Or is it rosacea? A Nutritionist’s Story, Michelle Dudash



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