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PubMed RSS Feed - -Teratogenic effect of isotretinoin in both fertile females and males (Review)


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Exp Ther Med. 2021 May;21(5):534. doi: 10.3892/etm.2021.9966. Epub 2021 Mar 23.


Isotretinoin is an oral derivate of vitamin A that has been used since 1982 for the treatment of multiple dermatologic conditions such as severe acne, rosacea, scarring alopecia, ichthyosis or non-melanoma skin cancer prophylaxis. The recommended dose is 0.5-1 mg/kg/day for a period of 4-6 months in sebaceous gland pathologies. There are many adverse effects caused by isotretinoin but by far the most important is the teratogenicity induced by this drug which is estimated to have a 20-35% risk to infants that are exposed to isotretinoin in utero and includes numerous congenital defects such as craniofacial defects, cardiovascular and neurological malformations or thymic disorders. Isotretinoin induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in human sebocytes, emphasizing these as processes associated with its teratogenic effect. The aim of this review is to analyze the latest literature data regarding the teratogenic effect of isotretinoin for both fertile females and males and its biological effects underlying the occurrence of congenital malformations under the influence of isotretinoin.

PMID:33815607 | PMC:PMC8014951 | DOI:10.3892/etm.2021.9966

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