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Optimizing the Use of Topical Brimonidine in Rosacea Management: Panel Recommendations.

J Drugs Dermatol. 2015 Jan 1;14(1):33-40

Authors: Tanghetti EA, Jackson JM, Belasco KT, Friedrichs A, Hougier F, Johnson SM, Kerdel FA, Palceski D, Hong HC, Hinek A, Cadena MJ

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory disease with a complex pathophysiology that manifests with central facial redness with or without papulopustular lesions. Often, patients with rosacea present with a constellation of signs and symptoms; for best results, the treatment plan should take into account all symptoms manifesting in the individual patient. The first available pharmacologic treatment to address the redness associated with rosacea is topical brimonidine. In the United States, brimonidine topical gel 0.33% is indicated for persistent facial erythema of rosacea; approval was based on clinically significant efficacy and good safety data from large-scale clinical trials. Use of brimonidine in routine clinical practice has yielded new insights that elaborate on the findings from clinical trials. For example, real-world use has shown that a percentage of patients (in our experience, approximately 10 to 20%) treated with brimonidine experience a worsening of erythema that has been called "rebound." Our routine use of this agent for &gt;1 year has yielded strategies to set patient expectations, optimize treatment initiation, and minimize potential problems; this article details those strategies. Because we believe that the term "rebound" has been used to describe several physiologically distinct events, we have also proposed more specific terminology for such events. <br/><br/> <em>J Drugs Dermatol.</em> 2015;14(1):33-40.

PMID: 25607906 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25607906?dopt=Abstract = URL to article

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