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Management of rhinophyma with Versajetâ„¢ and ReCell®.

Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013 Dec;51(8):e282-4

Authors: Dunne JA, Saleh DB, Rawlins JM

Operation is the mainstay of treatment for rhinophyma. Numerous techniques for dermaplaning and dermabrasion have been described with typical healing times of roughly 3 weeks. We present a case that combined use of the Versajetâ„¢ (Smith & Nephew, UK) system with ReCell(®) non-cultured autologous skin cells (Avita Medical, UK) to expedite re-epithelialisation. After sculpting with Versajetâ„¢, a 1cm(2) split-thickness skin biopsy specimen was harvested for application of autologous skin. Postoperative pictures at 6 days show well-formed epithelial buds, and at 9 days the nose was fully healed. The application of ReCell(®) hastened healing. This could potentially avoid hypertrophic scars and lessen the number of visits to outpatients for dressing to be changed, rendering it more advantageous than other techniques.

PMID: 23510790 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23510790?dopt=Abstract = URL to article

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