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Active Members Posting


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  • Root Admin

We do have a few active members now who have subscribed. We need about 100 members who subscribe to keep this website going which means keeping the RRDi going. Why we chose the subscription vs the freemium version of using our website is explained here. The active members still do not post which is not a requirement, the only requirement is to subscribe. Do you have any comment about any of this? You can post for a minimum of a two dollar subscription or if you just donate two dollars we can make you an active member for one month so you can post for a month. You simply donate through a multitude of services listed on our donation page and then CONTACT us explaining you made a minimum two dollar donation and we can activate your membership for a month (or longer if you donate more). If you don't like subscriptions, why not post and explain how we should be operating our website. Your comment could be published in this thread, ACTIVE MEMBERS POSTING, or anywhere you want to post on our website. Maybe you have some insight into why our ACTIVE members don't post at all? Read more

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