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The use of topical azelaic acid for common skin disorders other than inflammatory rosacea.

Cutis. 2006 Feb;77(2 Suppl):22-4

Authors: Del Rosso JQ

Topical azelaic acid (AzA) is approved for the treatment of acne vulgaris and inflammatory (papulopustular) rosacea. Because of diverse mechanisms of action that correlate with potential therapeutic benefit, AzA has been used to treat several common dermatoses including acne vulgaris, inflammatory rosacea, erythematotelangiectatic rosacea, perioral dermatitis, melasma, and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. This article reviews the therapeutic use of topical AzA for the treatment of common skin disorders other than the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved indications of acne vulgaris and inflammatory rosacea.

PMID: 16566285 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...p;dopt=Abstract = URL to article

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