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Laser and Light-Based Aesthetics in Men.

J Drugs Dermatol. 2015 Sep;14(9):1061-4

Authors: Green JB, Metelitsa AI, Kaufman J, Keaney T

Men represent an important evolving segment of the cosmetic market. With the growing acceptability of cosmetic procedures along with societal and workplace pressure to maintain youthfulness, men increasingly seek the advice of aesthetic practitioners. Despite this so-called "Menaissance," there is a paucity of published literature regarding laser and light treatments of male skin. Herein the differences in male cutaneous physiology are addressed, followed by a review of light-based treatment of conditions largely unique to male skin, pseudofolliculitis barbae, and rhinophyma. Next, the publications related to laser treatment of male skin specifically are examined. We conclude with a discussion of personal observations derived from clinical experience with laser and light-based treatments in men.

PMID: 26355628 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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