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Excision of rhinophyma with a laser scanner handpiece--a modified technique.

Rhinology. 2002 Jun;40(2):83-7

Authors: Skoulakis CE, Papadakis CE, Papadakis DG, Bizakis JG, Kyrmizakis DE, Helidonis ES

Rhinophyma is a slowly progressive, benign dermatological disorder of the tip of the nose. The most widely accepted theory is that rhinophyma is the end stage result of chronic acne rosacea. The primary reason for excision of rhinophyma is cosmetic deformity. However, nasal obstruction may present, as rhinophyma may obstruct nasal vestibules. Surgery is the treatment of choice for rhinophyma. Medical therapy has not given satisfactory results. The surgical treatment modalities are divided into two main groups. The first is complete excision, with primary closure for small lesions, or skin grafting for large lesions. The second group includes incomplete excision followed by re-epithelialization from the remaining glandular epithelium. The carbon dioxide (CO2) laser has been advocated for excision of rhinophyma. Newer instrumentation, such as Swiftlase and SurgiTouch (ESC Sharplan) or Ultrapulse (Coherent) is more effective in vaporization and carbonization resulting in better hemostasis (Ries and Speyer, 1996). In this report, 7 patients with rhinophyma treated with the Swiftlase are reviewed. The surgical technique, the complications and the follow-up are discussed.

PMID: 12091999 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...p;dopt=Abstract = URL to article

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