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"The dysasthesia can be very disturbing for many patients and improved with amytriptyline or gabapentin." 

Rosacea: Choosing Among the Topical and Systemic Therapeutic Options
As the field of therapies available for rosacea has expanded, clinicians must weigh the topical and oral treatment options on a case-by-case basis
By Mark Bechtel, MD and Ann Bechtel, BSN, Practical Dermatology

"Dysesthesia (or dysaesthesia) means "abnormal sensation". Its etymology comes from the Greek word "dys," meaning "bad," and "aesthesis," which means "sensation" (abnormal sensation). It is defined as an unpleasant, abnormal sense of touch. It often presents as pain[1] but may also present as an inappropriate, but not discomforting, sensation. It is caused by lesions of the nervous system, peripheral or central, and it involves sensations, whether spontaneous or evoked, such as burning, wetness, itching, electric shock, and pins and needles....It is sometimes described as feeling like acid under the skin. Burning dysesthesia might accurately reflect an acidotic state in the synapses and perineural space. Some ion channels will open to a low pH, and the acid sensing ion channel has been shown to open at body temperature, in a model of nerve injury pain. Inappropriate, spontaneous firing in pain receptors has also been implicated as a cause of dysesthesia." Wikipedia

"Amitriptyline, sold under the brand name Elavil among others, is a tricyclic antidepressant primarily used to treat major depressive disorder and a variety of pain syndromes from neuropathic pain to fibromyalgia to migraine and tension headaches." Wikipedia

"Gabapentin, sold under the brand name Neurontin among others, is an anticonvulsant medication primarily used to treat partial seizures and neuropathic pain." Wikipedia

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