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Demodex Mites in Australia


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  • Root Admin

Aren't they Cute? image courtesy of Huffington Post Australia

"In most cases there should be no symptoms. However, these mites are sometimes linked to skin conditions, especially rosacea. We still don't know if mites can cause rosacea, or just do really well with people with rosacea."

"People with suppressed immune systems can also suffer from these mites, with a condition called demodicosis. One of the better and fairly safe treatments for mites seems to be tea-tree oil, which causes mites to evacuate their follicles and roam -- and when a mite leaves the safety of its home, it's highly vulnerable to being washed or scrubbed off," Seeman said.

There Are Tiny Little Mites Living On Your Eyelashes, Leigh Campbell, Huffington Post Australia Edition

For more information on mites and rosacea

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