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Will a Humidifier Help Rosacea?


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"Run a cool-mist humidifier. Or place pans of water near heating vents to moisten indoor air. Humidity should be 30 to 60 percent (40 to 50 percent if you have allergies or asthma)."
What to do about dry, itchy skin?, By Consumer Reports, The Washington Post

“For added hydration, use a humidifier because skin that has rosacea tends to be sensitive and needs moisture,” said Dr. Jaliman. “A noncomedogenic (meaning that it won’t clog pores) moisturizer with ceramides also seals moisture into the skin.”
What People With Rosacea Need To Know About Concealing Redness & Treating Flare-Ups, Dana Oliver, The Huffington Post

"Run a cool-mist humidifier. Or place pans of water near heating vents to moisten indoor air. Humidity should be 30 to 60 percent (40 to 50 percent if you have ­allergies or asthma)."
Dry Winter Skin: Eczema, Psoriasis, and Rosacea Explained, Catherine Winters, Consumer Reports

"To replace moisture in the air, invest in a humidifier, and turn it on every time you turn on the heat, especially at night. This will help alleviate dry skin and dry eyes (especially important if you suffer from ocular rosacea)." 
Rosacea Treatment During Cold Weather Months, Dr. Jessica Wu, Everyday Health

"Use a humidifier. There are “whole house” humidifiers you can install which will work with your heater. If that isn’t possible, look for cool-mist humidifiers you can keep in each room to keep moisture in the air. There are also small, desktop humidifiers you can use at work."
Winter Rosacea: Symptoms and Tips for Managing, Eileen Bailey, Health Guide, Health Central

"Use a humidifier. If you have a home humidifier that comes with your heating system, make sure it’s turned on. Otherwise, buy portable units at Home Depot or Lowes. The extra humidity they put into the air will be absorbed by your skin and hair, says Youn."
Fighting Dry Skin: 10 Tips for Beating the Itch of Winter, By Lynn Allison, Newsmax

Amazon Humdifiersir?t=rosaresedevei-20&l=ur2&o=1

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