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A case report of combination treatment with potassium-titanyl phosphate laser and brimonidine topical gel in erythematotelangiectatic rosacea.

J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2017 Jan 31;:

Authors: Hofmann MA, Kokolakis G

Laser therapies have been shown to provide symptom improvement in patients with erythema and telangiectasia of rosacea; however, they are associated with side effects such as erythema. Combinatorial treatment with pharmacological agents and laser have demonstrated better efficacy, fewer side effects and continued long-term remission compared with monotherapies. A case of moderate facial erythema that responded well to combination treatment with brimonidine 3 mg/g gel and a treatment course of potassium-titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser therapy is presented, showing a reduction from baseline, maintained after final laser session, by applying brimonidine 3 mg/g gel daily. Using brimonidine 3 mg/g gel to target post-laser treatment erythema is highly effective in minimising refractory erythema. Continued use of brimonidine 3 mg/g gel provides a sustained reduction of erythema, increasing the visibility of other signs and symptoms of rosacea that may be present. This can facilitate the treatment of these additional signs and symptoms. MH performed assessments of the patient and contributed to drafting the manuscript. MH read and approved the final manuscript. GK has contributed to drafting the manuscript. GK read and approved the final manuscript.

PMID: 28139145 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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