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White wine may increase risk for rosacea in women, study says


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"Overall, women who drank alcohol had an elevated risk of developing rosacea and that risk increased as their alcohol consumption increased. Even just one to three drinks per month led to a 14% increased risk. Five or more in a week – the risk increased by 28 % to 49%!"

Alcohol May Increase Risk of Skin Condition in Women, By Denise Reynolds, EMaxHealth

"As if Nutella wasn't enough to take away from us (or try, it didn't work), a study conducted by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology has found a link between drinking white wine and the development of rosacea, a skin condition that often presents as a red rash. Although this isn't the first time alcohol has been linked to bringing on rosacea, it was previously thought that red wine was the culprit."


"Possibly bad news if your summer plans include sitting in sidewalk cafes sipping chardonnay all day: A new study just found that drinking white wine could up your risk of developing rosacea."
Studies Show Pinot Grigio Could Trigger Rosacea and We Are Extremely Sad About It, BY MACAELA MACKENZIE, Allure 

"Researchers have found that women who consume alcohol may be more likely to develop rosacea than non-drinking women, with white wine and liquor being the biggest offenders."
White wine linked to rosacea: study, New York Daily News

White wine, liquor may raise women's risk of rosacea, by Honor Whiteman, Medical News Today

Your Favorite Drink May Increase Your Risk of This Skin Condition, by Brittany Burhop, Senior Editor, NewBeauty

Drinking White Wine Raises Your Risk of Developing Rosacea
By Ashley Weatherford,The Cut, NY Mag

White wine may do no favors for a woman's skin, By CBS News, KZBK

Alcohol consumption increases rosacea risk in women, Science Daily

White Wine Raises Women's Risk for Rosacea, NewsMax

Study: Risk of Rosacea higher with White Wine, Indian Wine Academy

Like White Wine? You Might Be at a Higher Risk of Developing Rosacea, Elizabeth Chambers, Paste 

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  • Root Admin

"The real bad news comes for white wine lovers, though: It turns out drinking white wine significantly increased study participants’ risk of rosacea. In fact, drinking five or more glasses a week elevated their risk by 49 percent."

Drinking White Wine Can Increase Your Risk Of Rosacea, New Study Shows, Tricia Goss, simplemost

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