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Disseminated extrafacial rosacea with papulonecrotic lesions.

J Dermatol Case Rep. 2016 Dec 31;10(4):68-72

Authors: Demitsu T, Tsukahara R, Umemoto N, Nakamura S, Nagashima K, Yamada T, Kakurai M, Tanaka Y, Kakehashi A, Miyata T

BACKGROUND: Rosacea is a common skin disease and predominantly affects on the face of middle-aged women. It exceptionally occurs on the extrafacial areas such as ear, neck, axilla, and upper extremities, and has been reported as disseminated rosacea.
MAIN OBSERVATION: A 40-year-old Japanese female presented with one-month history of erythematous skin eruption with burning sensation on the face, neck, and upper limbs. Physical examination showed rosacea-like eruption on the face as well as multiple papules disseminated on the neck, forearms, and hands. These extrafacial lesions demonstrated papulonecrotic appearance. Bilateral conjunctiva showed marked hyperemic which was consistent with ocular rosacea. Corneal opacity was also seen. Histology of the umbilicated papule on the neck revealed necrobiotic granulomas around the hair follicle with transepidermal elimination. Another tiny solid papule on the forearm suggesting early lesion also demonstrated necrobiosis with palisading granuloma but no transepidermal elimination. Systemic administration of minocycline and topical tacrolimus therapy promptly improved the skin lesions. Topical application of fluorometholone in temporary addition with levofloxacin improved ocular involvement 12 weeks after her 1st visit. The clinical course of the skin lesion and ocular symptoms mostly correlated. Then, the skin lesion and ocular symptoms often relapsed. Rosacea uncommonly associates with the extrafacial involvement as disseminated rosacea. The present case is characterized by the disseminated papulonecrotic lesions of the extrafacial areas histologically showing transepidermal elimination of necrobiotic granulomas.
CONCLUSIONS: Dermatologists should recognize that papulonecrotic lesions of the neck and upper extremities might be extrafacial rosacea when the patient has rosacea on the face.

PMID: 28435478 [PubMed - in process]

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