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85% of patients displaying positive responses to brimonidine tartrate


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"85% of patients displaying positive responses to brimonidine tartrate.....Emphasizing that this clinical therapy is not intended to eradicate papules, pustules or phymatous changes of rosacea, or to eradicate oiliness on the face, is important....In our clinics, approximately 4%–15% of patients have complained of worsening erythema or flushing, and some of these patients decided to discontinue treatment with brimonidine tartrate, which led to resolution of these side effects usually within 4–24 hours....Sometimes the initial cause of the flare was that the patient had applied too much of the medication, too frequently, without applying sunscreen or without continuing to avoid common triggers of rosacea flushing. This highlights the importance of providing clear and comprehensive counseling to the patient....Brimonidine tartrate has been associated with temporary worsening of erythema in a few cases (approximately 12 hours after the initial application)....In order to see the true measure of response on an individual basis, a small sample of brimonidine tartrate can be provided for the patient to try at home and to monitor their response over a few days. In the authors’ opinion, there has been a predictable response in each individual patient, and this response has continued with subsequent applications. Most of the adverse events related to brimonidine tartrate have occurred within the first 1–2 weeks, and none of the adverse events have produced long-term sequelae that adversely affect the course of the disease."

The role of brimonidine tartrate gel in the treatment of rosacea
J Mark Jackson, Melissa Knuckles, John Paul Minni, Sandra Marchese Johnson,, Kevin Tate Belasco
Accepted for publication 24 April 2015
Published 23 October 2015 Volume 2015:8 Pages 529—538
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CCID.S58920

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