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Emotional Benefit of Cosmetic Camouflage


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"The literature documents significant emotional benefits using medical therapy in conditions such as acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, and rosacea, but there is little evidence documenting similar results with the use of cosmetic camouflage.....Cosmetic camouflage provides a significant emotional benefit for patients with facial skin conditions, and this is substantiated by a literature review and personal experience....Camouflage therapy serves as a mechanism to help give immediate satisfaction to patients, although many physicians/residents do not consider this as a validated therapy....It is important for dermatologists to provide this option to patients upon initial consultation because it provides immediate results and can be helpful while awaiting effects from medical treatment.....By increasing awareness and knowledge of cosmetic camouflage, physicians will be able to offer additional services and treatment options for patients suffering from skin lesions causing emotional distress, help to build confidence in the patient-physician relationship, improve patient QoL, and increase compliance with concurrent medical therapies."

Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2012; 5: 173–182.
Published online 2012 Nov 1. doi:  10.2147/CCID.S33860
PMCID: PMC3496327
Emotional benefit of cosmetic camouflage in the treatment of facial skin conditions: personal experience and review
Lauren L Levy and Jason J Emer

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