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Otophyma, Rhinophyma and Telangiectatic Rosacea - A Rare Combination in a Female Patient.

Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2017 Jul 25;5(4):531-532

Authors: Wollina U, Lotti T, Tchernev G

BACKGROUND: Rosacea is an inflammatory facial dermatosis seen more frequently in adults in their second half of life. The phymas are a particular subtype with sebaceous gland hyperplasia and progressive fibrosis.
CASE REPORT: We report on the rare simultaneous occurrence of telangiectatic rosacea, otophyma and rhinophyma in a 50-year-old female with psoriatic arthritis, chronic lymphedema of the legs, and metabolic syndrome.
CONCLUSION: Despite the preference of rhinophyma and otophyma to the male gender, their occurrence in females needs to be considers in the differential diagnosis of dermatoses of head and neck. Early diagnosis and appropriate medical treatment improve outcome and help to avoid surgery.

PMID: 28785351 [PubMed]

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