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Responder Definition for the Treatment of Papulopustular Rosacea


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An article was released by DovePress regarding, "a responder definition for the treatment of papulopustular rosacea."  So what is a 'responder'?  

According the authors of this paper, "patients with treatment success, i.e., improvement in the  Investigator Global Assessment (IGA) to “clear” or “minimal” were called “responders,” and those with treatment failure, i.e., staying in the range of IGA “mild” to “severe” were called “nonresponders”."

The paper further stated that, "The goal of our study was to empirically generate a responder definition based on the number of facial rosacea lesions."

The authors concluded, "The calculated cutoff point of 5.69 lesions allows discrimination of responders (5 or less remaining lesions) and nonresponders (6 or more remaining lesions) of therapeutic interventions in rosacea. As this is the first publication providing a responder definition based on the number of lesions, we suggest utilizing both end points – IGA and number of lesions – in clinical research programs for the near future."

Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, September 8, 2017, Dovepress
An empirically generated responder definition for rosacea treatment • Full Text 
Staedtler G, Shakery K, Endrikat J, Nkulikiyinka R, Gerlinger C

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