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Caper Berry for Rosacea


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"Rachael Miles, 36, has rosacea, a common long-term and poorly-understood skin condition that mainly affects the face. “As my world collapsed my skin literally erupted into a furious red lumpy mess, which I later discovered was rosacea,” she told Express.co.uk.....Rachael visited her doctor who prescribed her with a topical steroid, Eumovate, which is actually for eczema, another skin condition. Instead of soothing her rosacea it caused it to flare-up further instead. She returned to her GP again and was given more steroids and lotions that all had a similar effect....While on a three-month waiting list to see a skin specialist - and becoming increasing king worried her complexion would never clear up - she began to research online. It was during one of these searches that Rachael stumbled upon Kalme caper products (www.kalme.co.uk), recommended by someone on a rosacea support group website. As well as being moisturising and reducing sensitivity, they have an anti-inflammatory and redness-reducing effect. “They were the first products I had put on that did not burn when I applied them,” she explained. She began applying the products - which are currently priced from £9.95 - to her skin three times a day, and it took just three months for her skin to return to normal."

Rosacea treatment BEFORE and after: Woman CURED her skin with £19.95 cream, By LAUREN CLARK, Express


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