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Hovione Phase 3 Clinical Study Topical Minocycline Gel


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"Hovione announced today (December 13, 2017) enrollment of the first patient in MARS (Minocycline Against Rosacea Study), a Phase 2 clinical study of topical minocycline (HY01) in moderate to severe papulopustular rosacea patients.....Hovione's minocycline topical gel is a stable, proprietary formulation of crystalline minocycline base and oil-based excipients; in comparison, all minocycline formulations whether in clinical use or currently under clinical development, utilize minocycline hydrochloride as the active ingredient.  Hovione has secured patents for both the API and the drug product across the US and the EU with exclusivity through 2033.  Minocycline is believed to have superior anti-inflammatory profile as compared to other tetracyclines."

Hovione Announces Enrollment of First Patient in MARS, a Phase 2 Clinical Trial for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Inflammatory Rosacea with its Proprietary Minocycline Topical Gel, Cision PR Newswire

Hovione Announces Successful End-of-phase 2 Meeting With the FDA and Outlines Phase 3 Program for Minocycline Topical Gel, Yahoo Finance, Sept. 20, 2019 /PRNewswire/

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