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So What Really Causes Skin Sensitivity?


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  • Root Admin

Sensitivity happens when your skin’s natural barrier function becomes compromised, allowing irritants to penetrate it. Sensitivity can be caused by genetics and hormonal factors, having overly dry or injured skin, and excessive exposure to damaging environmental factors such as sun, wind and heat. However, a lot of skin irritations can also be self-inflicted. Excessive cleansing with the incorrect products may also trigger skin sensitivity. Exfoliators containing alphahydroxy acid, for example, may overstimulate the skin and cause microscopic cracks that allow toxins and irritants to enter. Typical breakouts that result from skin sensitivity include eczema, rosacea, primary irritant dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis or dry flakey skin.

Ask Ncumisa: What Causes Skin Sensitivity?, Marie Claire

More information on Sensitive Skin

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