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Rosacea: Epidemiology, pathogenesis, and treatment.

Dermatoendocrinol. 2017;9(1):e1361574

Authors: Rainer BM, Kang S, Chien AL

Rosacea is a chronic relapsing inflammatory skin disease with a high prevalence among adults of Northern European heritage with fair skin. Symptoms present in various combinations and severity, often fluctuating between periods of exacerbation and remission. Based on morphological characteristics, rosacea is generally classified into four major subtypes: erythematotelangiectatic, papulopustular, phymatous, and ocular. Diverse environmental and endogenous factors have been shown to stimulate an augmented innate immune response and neurovascular dysregulation; however, rosacea's exact pathogenesis is still unclear. An evidence-based approach is essential in delineating differences between the many available treatments. Because of the diverse presentations of rosacea, approaches to treatment must be individualized based on the disease severity, quality-of-life implications, comorbidities, trigger factors, and the patient's commitment to therapy.

PMID: 29484096 [PubMed]

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