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Hair Loss and PDT

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A number of reports from patients who have used photo dynamic therapy [PDT] complain of hair loss, particularly males. Here is a list: 



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The main point is that you should be aware that PDT has a risk of hair loss. Apparently PDT can be used to stimulate hair growth or eliminate hair growth, depending on the desired treatment. 

"Several new devices (in-office procedures and at-home devices) are being touted to reverse hair loss and restore hair growth..." [1]

"Our results suggest that PDT can damage the nonpigmented hair matrix, but not stem cells or dermal papillae. Repeated PDT may impair the hair-regeneration capacity via a bystander effect on bulge stem cells or dermal papillae. In this study, we found it was possible to remove nonpigmented hair using PDT" [2]

"Low power CW He:Ne laser and methylene blue (MB) offered a successful PDT system in selectively damaging hair follicles, leaving an intact epidermis. The current PDT system provides better outcome than hair destruction through laser heat transfer procedures and laser-mediated hair removal, due to complete destruction of hair follicles." [3]

"Here at WellMedica we treat hair loss and alopecia through Low Level Laser Therapy." 

"An experimental method combining chemicals and radiation to induce controlled hair loss or reduction" Hair Facts, Photodynamic therapy hair removal

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End Notes

[1] New generation of laser and light therapies could provide future treatment options for skin, hair and nail conditions
American Academy of Dermatology’s 70th Annual Meeting by Molly Wanner, MD, FAAD, instructor at Harvard Medical School and dermatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. 

[2] Lasers Surg Med. 2016 Oct;48(8):748-762. doi: 10.1002/lsm.22570. Epub 2016 Aug 9.
Nonpigmented hair removal using photodynamic therapy in animal model.
Shin H, Yoon JS2,, Koh W, Kim JY2,, Kim CH, Han KM, Kim EJ, Kwon 

[3] Photodynamic therapy for hair removal
Mohamed H.M. Ali, Mohamed M. Hashem, Amr Zaher, Soheir Korraa, Farouk Hamouda, Carmen M. Ali, Khalid A. Al-Saad
QScience Connect 2013:16

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