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PubMed RSS Feed - -Rosacea-like demodicosis (but not primary demodicosis) and papulo pustular rosacea may be two phenotypes of the same disease-a microbioma,therapeutic and diagnostic tools perspective.


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Rosacea-like demodicosis (but not primary demodicosis) and papulo pustular rosacea may be two phenotypes of the same disease-a microbioma,therapeutic and diagnostic tools perspective.

J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2018 Jun 29;:

Authors: Tatu AL, Clatici VG, Nwabudike LC

The scope of their research appears to be limited to the effects of Demodex spp in rosacea and thus does not consider possible confounding factors such as the effects of Bacillus oleronius, which has been isolated from Demodex folliculorum and been identified as a trigger of inflammation in rosacea(2). Other endosymbionts described as related to Demodex are:I.Bacillus simplex, which was isolated from Demodex folliculorum in a patient with primary demodicosis(3) II. Bacillus pumilus positive culture and mass spectrometry were found in a patient with rosacea and D. Folliculorum(4)III.Bacillus cereus, instead of B. oleronius was identified in a patient with secondary demodicosis associated with steroid-induced rosacea-like facial dermatitis in one positive culture.(5) Would they care to comment on this? This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

PMID: 29959784 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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