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Rifaximin for Rosacea


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  • Root Admin


"Rifaximin, sold under the trade name Xifaxan among others, is an antibiotic used to treat traveler's diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and hepatic encephalopathy." Wikipedia

 "Of the patients with SIBO, 28 were treated with rifaximin: 46% reported cleared or markedly improved rosacea, 25% reported moderately improved rosacea, and 11% reported mildly improved rosacea. All 4 patients with ocular rosacea and SIBO reported marked improvement. Rosacea was unchanged in 18% of patients.." [1] 

For more information

End Notes

[1] Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Volume 68, Issue 5, Pages 875–876, May 2013
Rosacea and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: Prevalence and response to rifaximin
Leonard B. Weinstock, MD, Martin Steinhoff, MD, PhD

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  • Root Admin

One paper states, "eradication of SIBO with rifaximin has been shown to improve papulopustular symptoms in more than half of rosacea patients, possibly due to either an effect on gut bacteria, regulation of the immune system, or anti-inflammatory activity. Rifaximin is currently undergoing clinical testing in rosacea (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03864978)."

Subtype-Specific Off-Label Treatment of Rosacea

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