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Ichthammol for Rosacea?

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A poster at the exclusive, private Facebook group, started a thread about using Ichthammol for her rosacea, and reported it worked for her. 

Ichthammol is Ammonium bituminosulfonate, "a product of natural origin obtained in the first step by dry distillation of sulfur-rich oil shale (bituminous schists)....has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and fungicidal properties. It is used to treat eczema, psoriasis, Acne rosacea and acne, and it decreases microorganisms in the area surrounding a skin condition. It is commonly used in 10% or 20% concentrate ointment, applied topically." Wikipedia

"Materials made in China (Pinyin transcription: yushizhi and yushizhi ruangao) and offered outside China as Ichthammol or Ammonium Bituminosulfonate are not in line with the definition given for this substance in the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) or European Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur)." Wikipedia

Post your experience with ichthammol ointment in this thread. 


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