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PubMed RSS Feed - -Tacrolimus: Approved and Unapproved Dermatologic Indications/Uses-Physician's Sequential Literature Survey: Part II.


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Tacrolimus: Approved and Unapproved Dermatologic Indications/Uses-Physician's Sequential Literature Survey: Part II.

Skinmed. 2008 Mar-Apr;7(2):73-7

Authors: Sehgal VN, Srivastava G, Dogra S

Tacrolimus has been a useful therapeutic tool in dermatology practice ever since its inception. Accordingly, many "off-label" applications have been reported. Thus, its local immunosuppressive and steroid-sparing action stands recognized. Hence, its indications/uses were extended beyond atopic dermatitis to cover several dermatoses including other types of eczema, papulosquamous disorder of cornification, rosacea, other inflammatory skin conditions, vesicobullous disease, connective tissue disease, graft versus host disease, and follicular disorders. Many such diseases found to respond to tacrolimus therapy have been briefly recounted. It is worthwhile to conceive, however, that this topical immunomodulator should be reserved for use only as an alternative, should the conventional treatment be unresponsive. Hence, guarded use is warranted. Skinmed. 2008;7:73-77.

PMID: 18327003 [PubMed - in process]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...p;dopt=Abstract = URL to article

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