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Management of Rhinophyma with Radio Frequency: Case Series of Three Patients.

J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2019 Apr-Jun;12(2):136-140

Authors: Tambe SA, Nayak CS, Gala P, Zambare U, Nagargoje A

Rhinophyma is the most common form of phymatous rosacea, typically seen in men. It may appear de novo (without preceding inflammatory changes) or occur in patients with preexisting papulopustular rosacea. It is characterized by slow, bulbous, reddish-purple, painless enlargement of lower two-third of nose with rugose peau d'orange surface resulting from the enlargement of the sebaceous glands and subcutaneous tissue, which does not resolve spontaneously. Though benign, it causes lot of cosmetic and psychological concern. Commonly used treatment modalities include debulking by surgical excision, electrosurgery, carbon dioxide laser ablation, cryosurgery, or dermabrasion. Here we report a case series of three patients with Grade 3 rosacea as per National Rosacea Society grading, treated by radio frequency with good improvement.

PMID: 31413484 [PubMed]

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