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The cost-effectiveness of rosacea treatments.

J Dermatolog Treat. 2008 Aug 21;:1-4

Authors: Thomas K, Yelverton CB, Yentzer BA, Balkrishnan R, Fleischer AB, Feldman SR

Background: Topical and oral antibiotic/anti-inflammatory agents are mainstays of therapy for rosacea. However, costs and efficacies of these therapies vary widely. Objective: To determine relative cost-effectiveness of common therapeutic regimens using published data. Methods: Average daily costs (ADC) were determined based on treatment frequency and estimated gram usage for facial application of topical regimens of metronidazole (0.75%, 1%), azelaic acid (15%, 20%), sodium sulfacetamide and sulfur 10%/5%, and oral regimens of tetracycline, doxycycline, and isotretinoin. The ADC was compared with published efficacy rates from clinical trials, with efforts to standardize outcome measures. Based on these efficacy rates, costs per success were calculated and combined with office visit costs to estimate the total cost for each treatment for a 15-week period. Results: The medication cost per treatment success of topical regimens ranged from $60.90 ($205.40, total, including office visits) for metronidazole 1% gel once daily, to $152.25 ($296.75, total) for azelaic acid 20% cream twice daily. Tetracycline 250 mg/day was the least costly oral agent at $6.30 per treatment success, or $150.80 total. Conclusion: Based on our best assessments of retrospective data from the literature, metronidazole 1% gel, once daily, was considerably less costly than several other branded and generic alternatives.

PMID: 18728922 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...p;dopt=Abstract = URL to article

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