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Dr Steve Johnson

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I am pleased to be a new member of the RRDi. My emphasis has been on the treatment on rosacea with IPL and medications. I always have an open mind to what works and how we may better treat rosacea today and tomorrow. My thoughts on rosacea today is in the realm of a chronic disease model. Finding a cure to a chronic disease may be better represented by finding a long term control of this disease. Knowing the exact cause of rosacea may or may not help in treatment or we may never know. I do certainly believe we will find a sure fire way to control rosacea for most if not all rosacea sufferers. I have one particular idea that may help and will discuss it as I develop more info.

Glad to work with RRDi any way I can.

Dr Steve Johnson

[Editor's Note:

Dr. Johnson was appointed to serve on the board of directors effective November 6, 2006]

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I am pleased to be a new member of the RRDi.  My emphasis has been on the treatment on rosacea with IPL and medications.  I always have an open mind to what works and how we may better treat rosacea today and tomorrow.  My thoughts on rosacea today is in the realm of a chronic disease model.  Finding a cure to a chronic disease may be better represented by finding a long term control of this disease.  Knowing the exact cause of rosacea may or may not help in treatment or we may never know.  I do certainly believe we will find a sure fire way to control rosacea for most if not all rosacea sufferers.  I have one particular idea that may help and will discuss it as I develop more info.

Glad to work with RRDi any way I can.

Dr Steve Johnson

Not even a hint? :) I hope it's like one of Hercule Poirot's "little ideas", that are always correct.

But really, please post here as soon as you can reveal anything about your idea. And welcome aboard!


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Welcome to the RRDi Dr Johnson

We're all so pleased to have you on board.

Of course, now we are hankering to know what your idea is and look forward to hearing more as things develop.


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I am pleased to be a new member of the RRDi. My emphasis has been on the treatment on rosacea with IPL and medications. I always have an open mind to what works and how we may better treat rosacea today and tomorrow. My thoughts on rosacea today is in the realm of a chronic disease model. Finding a cure to a chronic disease may be better represented by finding a long term control of this disease. Knowing the exact cause of rosacea may or may not help in treatment or we may never know. I do certainly believe we will find a sure fire way to control rosacea for most if not all rosacea sufferers. I have one particular idea that may help and will discuss it as I develop more info.

Glad to work with RRDi any way I can.

Dr Steve Johnson

[Editor's Note:

Dr. Johnson was appointed to serve on the board of directors effective November 6, 2006]

Dr. Johnson,

You say that it would be better to search out a long-term control for the many symptoms of Rosacea? Isn't that what dermatologists have been doing for years with regards to Cystic Acne treatment?

Do we have PERMANENT cures for acne yet?

Shouldn't we have?

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Hi Dr. Johnson,

A belated welcome to our community as I see you joined last August. While I would certainly rather an all out "cure" be found for rosacea I think you are right that we may be able to offer better treatments sooner by focusing on "maintaining symptom control."

I'm just curious if you're now able to share your idea with us. Any new thoughts?

Thanks so much for participating!


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