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Rosacea Triggers


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  • Root Admin

Here is a possible trigger list for topical irritants for rosacea:

Acne Products **

Acetone *

Alcohol *

Alpha hydroxy acids ^

Anti-Aging **

Astringents ^

Azelaic acid ^

Benzoyl Peroxide ^

Beta-Hydroxy Acids **

Exfoliants ^

Fragrance +

Hair Sprays *

Hydro-alcoholic *

Perfume +

Retinoids ^

Skin Peels ^

Salicylic Acid **

Soap +

Steroids *

Sunscreen +

Toners ^

Triclosan ^

Witch Hazel *

Some environmental triggers:

Hot baths *


Humidity *

Saunas *

Simple overheating *

Sun *

Strong winds *

Ultraviolet radiation ##

Washcloths *+

Physiological Triggers

Anger #

Anxiety *

Caffeine withdrawal *

Chronic cough *

Embarrassment #

Exercise *

Frequent flushing *

Hot Flashes #

“Lift and load” jobs *

Menopause *

Straining #

Stress *

Valsalva maneuver #

Oral Drugs that may trigger rosacea:

Amyl nitrite #

Butyl nitrite #

Bromocriptine #

Calcium channel blockers #

Chlorpropamide (Diabinese)

with alcohol +

Cholinergic drugs #

Cyclosporine #

Cyproterone acetate #

Disulfiram (Antabuse) +

Doxorubicin +

Interferon +

Nicotinic acid #

Niacin +

Nifedipine +

Nitroglycerin +

Morphine #

Opiates #

Oral triamcinolone #

Prostaglandin E +

Rifampin (Rifadin) # +

Sildenafil citrate #

Tamoxifen #

Thyrotropin Releasing

Hormone (TRH) #

Topical steroids *257

Vasodilators *

Vancomycin +

* National Rosacea Society Trigger List

** Rosacea 101—Rosacea Diet

# Flushing Syndromes

## Dermis

^ Rosacea Support Group

+ Ken Landow, MD

Source for the above triggers:

Rosacea 101 by Brady Barrows page 46

Diet Triggers

More info on Triggers

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