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Apurva Tathe

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Posts posted by Apurva Tathe

  1. On 1/17/2021 at 10:59 AM, Sam_Allred said:

    I work as a medical assistant for a dermatologist. I definitely think it is a possibility for rosacea to through periods of remissions and flare-ups. This can be due to environmental factors as well as psychological factors. 

    Yes you are right. sometimes it goes through periods of remission and then flare-ups and there are a lot of factors and I believe that skin has its own memory of everything which it goes through whether it be environmental factors or psychological.

  2. On 1/11/2021 at 6:37 AM, RedVelvet said:

    There are many encouraging stories of people who've healed their rosacea by addressing the underlying causes. One of those is often NOT diet, nutrition, toxins, but emotions such as anger and resentment. In Chinese medicine, these emotions live in the liver and spleen, often the organs related to rosacea. I have teamed up with a holistic life coach who has had tremendous success helping people heal physical ailments by addressing the emotional component behind the ailment. Together we have created a 7-week coaching program for rosacea healing, where we discuss the underlying causes of rosacea. Our next session starts February 10th 2021. For more info, please see RECLAIM ROSACEA PROGRAM - Journey To Glow.

    Yes sometimes it is not diet or toxins or digestion problem or disturbed intestinal microflora that cause rosacea, infact when all these things are going well, still your skin says something else and yes I have caught myself with emotions that whenever I feel anxious or angry and resentful, my face immediately flushes and turns red and blood vessels suddenly become dilated and then I calm myself down 🤭 and take few long deep breaths and it helps a lot. I think skin has its own memory of emotions.😀

  3. Hii everyone, I want to share my experience with you. I was corona positive last month and what was interesting is I had mild symptoms of corona and I got perfectly fit after 3 to 4 days but then I realized that I have lost my sense of smell and taste and it lasted one month and then now I am regaining slowly and after all these chaos I found that my rosacea had become more aggressive and covered almost my entire face. Blood vessels became dilated and torn and big red blotches were visible and I could not understand why this corona had this big impact on my rosacea and this aggressive effect left my skin like a peel but then I cured it slowly with mild scrubbing and gut cleaning and with healthy food. So I experienced that corona has its impact on rosacea.

  4. Hello Rosaceans, if you can donate some money to our non-profit organization it would propel us to post more matter on this topic. I know that many rosaceans view our site, read each and every material, gain knowledge from this site which you will never find anywhere on other rosacea website but you never appreciate us giving some donation money. We keep asking members for some donation but I think its all throwing stone in water and admin has already declared that if we don't get money he will close the organization and then where will you read such good material from? think on this.

  5. On 12/18/2020 at 11:47 AM, Mistica said:

    Thanks for your reply.   

    What I was leaning towards though, is  that given the ion channels in the faces of rosaceans are abnormal and TRPV1 in particular has been  found to be overly expressed, fasting seems an ideal way to  reduce this and also to perhaps reset the balance and activity of the others.  If balance could be restored, the facial inflammation and hyper activity should settle down. I realise fasting also improves the state of the gut flora and by extension, less inflammatory signals are being sent to the face.   

    Have you been able to   significantly reduce your  facial symptoms permanently with diet and fasting? Or do they  return at some point  after reintroducing food?

    Fasting and dietary interventions are not enough for me. I have to take a number of supplements and also  use topical treatments.

    I am going to take a detour here.

    I use ZZ cream (Brady's favourite) and  a gel I have compounded containing 4% niacinamide, (the most important), 2% LMW HA, 2% ethyl ascorbate. The gel, ie the vehicle is just as important as the active ingredients as it is benign with an elastic type nature, acting  as a brace against the neon sign type of flushing, which can lead to  worsening symptoms. I mix this with the ZZ cream. It leaves a very nice finish when dry. 

    It is my opinion that the benefits we get from the ZZ cream, have little to nothing to do with killing demodex, but rather, as  one or more  ingredients interacts with and modifies  the  ion channels in our faces, thereby reducing inflammation. The most obvious is the menthol which  interacts with the TRMP8 (at least) as you know. I read it is now known it interacts with the TRPA1 and neurotransmitter receptors. 


    Dietary menthol alas attenuates inflammation.


    If I  eat a lot of junk food, or simply stray from my regular diet, I  will  invariably develop outbreaks of papules or pustules on my face. 

    ZZ cream can help heal these. However, they don't cease, until I tend to my gut. I should note, that they don't heal properly either, with ZZ cream.

    If I flush really badly, which has been rare since my latest experiment (I won't go into that here), I will develop outbreaks of P&P's within 24 hours. Again, ZZ cream helps heal these, but won't prevent new ones. Well to be fair, I imagine it reduces the amount I would  get if I were not using the cream.

    Therefore I am very suspicious about the role of demodex in the faces of most people.

    Do you agree with my  thoughts on the therapeutic action of ZZ cream? 

    Or  can you offer any other type of insight as to it's possible actions?




    Everything what you apply outside will somewhat work only to reduce them a little but will not cure the root cause and the root cause is your internal system mainly your gut because you know that gut has immense immunity and microflora too and yes fasting improves everything and do not take it as a ritual to do in a particular day but make it a regular regimen. See if you eat you last meal (dinner) atleast at 7pm and after then you do not eat anything, simply having water and then you have your next day breakfast at 10 or 11am then you have given your gut a long time to digest your food and to heal your condition. Try to eat such foods which take less time to digest so that your body has more time to heal.

    Yes I have been able to significantly reduce my facial symptoms with diets and fasting but I will be true, I sometimes am not able to maintain such diet and fasting due to some other conditions like when I am travelling or when I am someone's home and if I am not able to maintain then my skin tells me that yes  something is wrong going on inside.

    I agree with your thoughts but I have never used any topical treatment after my oral and topical antibiotics in my early rosacea experience and then I left everything topical and work on inside. I will tell you one more experiment which I will start and then I will share that experience with you and then I will elaborate what I do.

  6. 16 hours ago, Admin said:

    As everyone knows, 2020 has been a turbulent year and is ending. So is the RRDi. Our financial situation is meager and we have about two months left and we will be making the decision to shut down and dissolve. Rosaceans have left and gone away to the social media rosacea groups and prefer it that way. We have done our best and made a run at trying to help rosacea sufferers for seventeen years and the support presently to continue simply isn't there. No donations simply means the end of the RRDi. The saddest part to me is losing all the rosacea data on this website. I care, but I can't keep this website going by myself. 

    Please everyone who is a part of this group and has been with this organization for a long time, you can understand that we can only provide you the information about rosacea if this organization runs. So please understand if you know the work of this organization and want to get more new information. Please help with donation.

  7. 21 hours ago, Mistica said:

    I also practice fasting.  Mostly intermittent, and once I am in a routine, I will  do a 24 hour fast once per month. I do find it helpful  in reducing my flushing and  facial inflammation. However, initially,  it can make me redder, until my body adjusts. I imagine the cause of this will likely be partly  metabolic and partly temporary increased endotoxin from the gut  as microbial communities are reduced. 

    Some time ago, I   found the following study which states that the TRPV1 receptor is degraded during starvation.  

    Does this mean the gene expression is reduced? Given the fact the TRPV receptors are expressed abnormally in rosacea skin, and  in particular, the TRPV1 is overly expressed in the skin of flushers (Gallo's Research), then fasting should be considered a first line  non invasive treatment for  rosacea and many other inflammatory conditions. 

    I am not clear on the terminology however. Does degraded mean down regulation of genes in this context?


    In any case, fasting has proven helpful for many conditions throughout the ages, even if we don't yet fully comprehend all the benefits. 

    It also has a positive impact on gut flora. 

    In addition, it should help prevent and/or resolve SIBO.



    Hello Mistica, Welcome to the RRDi

    TRPV1 is actually a protein and is encoded by TRPV1 gene and works as an ion channel and is a sensory transducer means activated by various physical and chemical stimuli and one such is inflammatory mediators and TRPV1 is degraded means there is a process called autophagy in which every cellular waste materials or foreign bodies get degraded. Simply they are eaten because they are not necessary and can cause any condition in our body if autophagy does not work properly such as cancer and in study it is proven that when we do long hours of fasting autophagy starts and works properly. because our body's life energy has two work digestion and healing. If we only eat throughout the day our body only digests and not heal because we are not giving it time to do the process of healing and it is only working toward digestion and when we fast for longer duration then it is free from the work of digestion and starts healing. I have written one post on this. Check it out here:


  8. On 11/1/2020 at 10:30 AM, RedVelvet said:

    Hello Friends! I am a current RRDi MAC member and I wanted to share with you two new resources that may be helpful to those trying to heal their rosacea naturally. I suffered with rosacea for 20 years until I stumbled upon Rosaceagroup.org in November 2019 and learned about demodex mites, gut healing, liver healing, and much more. I took that information and RAN with it. Over the next two months I started using ZZ cream, did a 30 Day Cleanse, spleen detox, heavy metal detox, and stopped using cortisone and Metrogel. The results were so much more than what I could have expected. Not only did my rosacea heal, but in the months to come my asthma, allergies, thyroid and systemic inflammation healed as well. I've now spent the past several months treating rosacea patients holistically using the same approaches, based on a very detailed history. 

    Despite my personal healing and the healing that my patients have seen, I'm finding a significant lack of information for those wanting to heal their rosacea without medications. I've seen a lot of books about diet and food intolerances, but rosacea is so much more than that. One resource that has been very helpful to my patients is a podcast called Journey to Glow that interviews doctors and skin experts who have healed their rosacea, or are working with patients to heal rosacea naturally. I was interviewed for this podcast last week, and the episode is in this link https://journeytoglow.com/dr-tara-odesky-rosacea-healing-story/

    I also created a lecture series all about healing rosacea from the inside out. It will be a 5 week program that will teach people how to go about addressing the underlying inflammation which shows up on their skin as "rosacea." The link for this program is here: https://journeytoglow.com/RECLAIM/

    I do hope this information will be helpful to the community.  :)


    Thank you so much Dr. Tara for this wonderful sharing.

  9. How intermittent fasting is a part of Vedic Culture and how it impacts the body homeostasis and kill the old cells and regenerate new cells and now everyone in the world is counting on this intermittent fasting and showing us results of clinical trials they have tried on chronic and metabolic conditions. In Ayurveda it is stated to eat your last meal in early evening time and then give your internal system a full rest of long hours to keep your body healthy. When you do not consume anything after your evening meal and give your body intermittent fasting of more than 12 - 14 hours, your body automatically releases growth hormone and keeps your insulin in check and your body goes into fight or flight mode to function in a better manner and fighting diseases including rosacea. Yes I have been following intermittent fasting for quite a long time and it has a drastic impact on my rosacea. Keeping intermittent fasting reduces the flushing and gives your skin a boost because it kills off old and altered cells and regenerate new cells in our skin. Have a good amount of water and nothing else during fasting and keep healthy and yes one more thing you can kill two birds in one shot😉. How? You have nothing to do because this regimen will drastically reduce your weight because when you do not consume anything after your last meal your body will take energy from your deposited fat and will burn your fat for energy. Just follow this thing and let me know your story.😎

  10. 14 hours ago, RedVelvet said:

    Hi friends. I wanted to share a resource with you from a friend of mine. As a rosacea sufferer for 20 years, I recently healed my rosacea through changes in diet (no gluten, no dairy), a sulfur cream (ZZ), and multiple detoxes and cleanses for liver, spleen, heavy metals and viruses. It took a few months  to clear, but it's been 10 months now and I continue to be rosacea free. I recently found a fantastic resource full of testimonials from doctors and skin experts who have all treated their rosacea naturally and continue to be rosacea free. They are a collection of podcasts,  and there is some fantastic information for those who have already gone the pharma route with no success, or simply want holistic options. The website is https://journeytoglow.com/podcast/ .   Good luck and don't give up. Healing is possible, trust me. 

    Thank you so much Dr. Tara for this podcast share.

  11. Hello everyone, I know there are many new novice volunteers who want to help for the grant writing to get grants from pharmaceutical and other companies so that we can also research on the different aspects of rosacea through our medical advisory committee and run our organization. As you all know this is a non-profit organization and grant writing is what this non-profit organization does. So every new volunteer asks what should we do and how to start this? So I am writing this post to let you know how to do go through the grant writing process :

    1. Select any pharmaceutical company or company which provide drug service for rosacea or other skin conditions and see if they provide grants or charitable donations. You need to go to their website and search for it. Google it. (also check the next post in this thread by scrolling below and see the list of pharmaceutical companies that manufacture rosacea treatments posted by Admin)

    2. Now see what is their criteria for funding. Is there any form to fill out or do we need to mail them? Read carefully and if you do not find anything proper just ask through snail mail what is the process?

    3. And if you have gained enough information and understood everything then just go through the process carefully.

    4. If you need any help in the middle of the process just ask us because you will need some information regarding some official documents detail or anything.

    You can inform us while going through the process and if you get the grant money, you will also get the share of it.

    I have shared as much information as I had in my mind, if I have left anything you can ask us.

    Thank you

    Apurva Tathe
    RRDi Board Member 

    Grant Writer Overseer

  12. As I have introduced Vedic Diets and Satvik diet comes under this diet and this diet contains seeds. So first I will introduce flaxseed and the reason is, I eat flaxseed and I will tell you the benefits of flaxseed for your skin.  I already have been using natural flaxseed gel for my curly hair but had never known the benefits of flaxseed for the skin especially the rosacea skin. I have been eating flaxseed for about more than two years when I found that it has anti-inflammatory properties. So I thought why not have it for my skin besides hair.


    What is Flaxseed ?

    Flax commonly known as linseed is a food and fiber crop cultivated in the cooler regions of the world. There are two varieties of flaxseeds- brown and golden(1), the one I eat is brown flaxseeds because it is easily available to me.


    Components of Flaxseeds

    1. Polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids : There is a mixture of fatty acids in flaxseed but polyunsaturated fatty acid (omega-3) is high in content than polysaturated fatty acids (omega-6) at the ration of 3:1.

    2. Lignans : They are phytoestrogens means they are found in plants in rich amount but very weak in animals and flaxseed is the richest source of lignans. Plants contain good amount of lignans which I had described in my earlier post on my research on C.viminalis plant extract which has lignan compound in it. Lignans in flaxseed is in precursor form and converted to lignan by gut bacteria.

    3. Fiber : it is a good dietary fiber source in flaxseed if you consume one tablespoon of flaxseed daily, it will give you all the benefits of flaxseed because your gut contains more immuntiy and when your gut is happy you are happy and flaxseed gives insoluble and soluble fiber to improve gut health and very friendly to bacteria and it balances the friendly bacteria of your gut to do their work to process lignan and fiber.

    4.Protein,vitamins and minerals : Flaxseed contain some amount of amino acid, potassium (seven times higher than banana) and some lower amounts of other essential minerals.(2)


    Benefits of Flaxseed for inflammatory skin

    There are so many benefits of consuming flaxseed but we will count the benefits of flaxseed for our inflammatory skin. So first we will see what does omega-3 do to our health, actually flaxseed is a richest source of ALA(omega-3) but we actually get the less benefits from it because before we get the benefits from it actually it must be converted into EPA and DHA by limited enzymes and that is the reason we get less amount of omega-3 from flaxseed.

    Omega-3 is the building blocks of skin and it maintains the skin barrier by locking in moisture and thus it keeps our skin smooth and hydrated. It has a very good effect on improving digestive health, blood pressure and reducing bad cholesterol basically keeping our heart safe and healthy.

    Lignans help reconstruct our broken blood vessels due to rosacea inflammation and renew our skin cells. Lignans have antioxidant properties, so it keeps our skin from oxidative damage such as free radicals and UV rays. This is a very important compound in flaxseed because we get less amount of benefits from omega-3 despite it is rich in flaxseed but we can count on lignans due to its antioxidant properties.

    Fiber we all know keep our gut healthy and happy and maintains the homeostasis of the gut. It has indirect effect on skin inflammation. if our gut is balanced,our gut immunity is balanced and as we all know there is a strong correlation between gut immunity and skin immunity because I have seen lots of time when my gut is upset and disbalanced, I can see redness on my face. So whenever I see this effect, I first cure my gut and redness on my face automatically lessens.



    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flax

    2. https://www.goldenvalleyflax.com/flax-facts/health-research-articles/nutritional-components-flax/

  13. As I had previously announced that I will come up with satvik diet and how the role satvik diet plays in our daily life to not only bring about body homeostasis, health improvement but balance our inflammation anywhere in our body and I am targeting here rosacea inflammation.

    What is Satvik Diet?

    Satvik diet is a diet which follows the rule of Ayurveda and yogic literature that contains the essence of Sattva in sanskrit (pure energy). Satvik diet is high in fiber, micronutrients and low fat vegetarian diet. (1)

    There are other dietary foods regimen that we will take into consideration besides this to emphasize the role of food we take in our daily lives and how they impact our mind-body balance.

    Satvik diet mainly consists of fresh vegetables,fruits, nuts,seeds,legumes,sprouted whole grains, and different herbal teas.

    Although it is a vegetarian diet but we will consider some benefits that we directly get from non-vegetarian diet and how we can get from this diet.

    Health Benefits :

    There are a number of health benefits when considering this diet but I will purely pay attention to the chronic condition especially rosacea when it comes to inflammation and I have been following this diet for a long time and I have added some other things to get the impact of the whole thing and I will explain it to you later what are those things.


    Things to consider :

    Although it is a high nutrient dense diet and highly effective but there are some other foods which do not come under this diet but we will consider those dietary items to increase the impact of this dietary regimen and I will categorize the other diets under this topic to understand the dietary intervention.

    I will start with what I have in my whole day and what I consider for my rosacea to get the benefits of this diet and as it is mentioned that this diet has come from a yogic literature that originated in India over 5000 years ago, I will tell you some Yoga Pranayama to consider with this diet which will help control rosacea to go aggravated.


    Reference :

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sattvic_diet



  14. I know we have a big community of rosaceans now who are connected to by our organization and I am planning to introduce something new which is called VEDIC DIETS (means diet which dates back to centuries in Indian culture and has sub divisions) and I am sure this would help you to manage or cure your rosacea, if you follow this change in your diet because it has changed my life too managing my rosacea. Please join me in this movement. Thank you

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    There is a reply to this topic button somewhere on the device you are reading this post. If you never heard about this topic and you learned about it here first, wouldn't it be a gracious act on your part to show your appreciation for this topic by registering with just your email address and show your appreciation with a post?  And if registering is too much to ask, could you post your appreciation for this topic by finding the START NEW TOPIC button in our guest forum where you don't have to register?  We know how many have viewed this topic because our forum software shows the number of views. However, most rosaceans don't engage or show their appreciation for our website and the RRDi would simply ask that you show your appreciation, please, simply by a post.  

  15. As I have previously discussed on the antibiotic uses , resistance and their community transmission and how that drug resistance is transferred in bacterial evolution over the years. Now we all know that resistance can be transferred in the same bacterial species but we know that there is a whole microbial flora on our skin not just one bacterial species, so how one bacterial species transfer this resistance to other bacterial species. So it is through horizontal gene transfer(simply uptake of free DNA or through phage transfer or conjugation). Conjugation simply means mating pair one is donor and one is recipient and transfers the drug resistance genes through pilus(mating bridge). Conjugation can happen within the same species as well as within other species. So think in terms of when you get antibiotic resistance, it's not just one species but a whole microbial community gets resistance over the years in the population.

  16. Do you know that if you take wrong doses and time duration of antibiotics, you make your skin bacteria resistant and not only they become resistant but spread to other parts of the body and can cause inflammatory bowel disease and in fact you transmit these resistant bacteria to other person and this resistance comes in a population pool of bacteria and wherever the person travels they carry the resistant bacteria with them.

  17. On 8/18/2020 at 2:43 AM, Admin said:


    I have been having scalp issues toward the back of my neck and sides of the scalp and have used the following treatments: 

    Over the counter 
    Equate Anti-Dandruff Therapeutic Shampoo (T Gel)
    Baby Shampoo
    Cotrimazole cream
    Nizoral (ketoconazole 1%) shampoo
    Braunfels Labs Sulfur Butter Cream 'n Ointment
    Zhongzhou Cream
    Sesderma Sebovalis Facial Gel (key ingredients 8% lithium gluconate -  0.5% Piroctone olamine - 4.5% glycolic acid - Calendula extract)
    Yesto tea tree scalp treatment
    Aqua Vive

    Doxycycline 100 mg twice a day for twenty days 
    Fluocinolone Acetonide Topical Oil

    So far nothing has resolved the issue. On Wednesday I will be seeing a new dermatologist and hopefully will get her recommendation on this issue. 

    Yes it would be a good idea to get the recommendation of another dermatologist and please share what did she recommend and prescribe you.

    I always have this thing in winter season when the weather is chilled and automatically goes when the temperature goes normal and the rest of the year though I get rosacea flare ups but this seborrhea does not bother me. I think everyone has their own story to say with these things. If anyone has noticed this yeast overgrowth with their rosacea which causes flakiness and extremely disturbed skin barrier like rough sandy surface. please share your story.

  18. It is an excellent idea to research on medicinal herb. I myself have initiated this work and researched on one such medicinal plant on myself for few months and then posted my article on this work. If everyone donates some money to research on not just one person but cohort studies then it would be a great step because no one has done medicinal herb studies on rosacea before so it would be a big step. please help grow our organization with your one step.

  19. Hello Everyone,

    This post is not to compel you for donation but as you can see from the above post from Admin that we are working from the ground and helping everyone to understand this disease rosacea and its associated co-morbidities and it is all free and open to read and we want to give you more things and more insights on that, which still needs to be explored and we want your help in this. If everyone will accept this RRDi as their own and contribute to this organization a little donation for further research, it would be appreciable. Thank you

  20. As I have already discussed in my previous post about antibiotic concern read here and why I am taking this theme and educating everyone because it's not about one person being affected but it's all about community and global issue. Antibiotic resistance has been increasing in recent years and it all comes down to one thing that how we use antibiotics in animal husbandry, agriculture and in infectious diseases and now the time has come when we have very limited numbers of antibiotics being used when the deadly outbreak comes. So we have to secure the antibiotics for future use and how we are misusing antibiotics unnecessarily without even knowing of its harmful effects.


    Diagrammatic representation of antimicrobial resistance passing in bacterial population (Illustration by Apurva Tathe)

    Because we rosaceans heavily rely on antibiotics some with prescriptions and some with non-prescriptions. When doctor prescribes us antibiotics it has a dose value and time period that we need to complete in order to get rid of increased number of microbial population that inhabit our skin and become pathogenic because it triggers our inflammatory reaction and the main concern comes when we already have immunocompromised condition.

    So, if there is a mutant strain of bacteria by chance in a large population because of changes in bacteria due to evolution over the course of time anyway it has a very fewer frequency but bacteria divides rapidly so if you introduce antibiotic, all the antibiotic susceptible bacteria die and mutant bacteria survive now what happens this AMR bacterial strain rapidly grows in population and becomes dominant (Figure).

    There are two factors that introduce antibiotic resistance in bacteria either the dose value (taking the dose lower that the recommended value) and steady use of antibiotics when not needed further (time period exceeds). So dose value and time span matter a lot in how we use antibiotics.

    Why I am considering this concern as a global health is without prescription and diagnostic tests, we ourselves rely on antibiotics and we spread this antimicrobial resistance to each other in human-human in communities, in hospitals and we even do not know this and the time comes when the outbreak of disease occurs and the first line of antibiotics and even second line of antibiotics fail to perform because of AMR in bacterial strains. Healthcare has now preserved some third line of antibiotic drugs to treat deadly infections in outbreaks.

    Next I will take it further to explain how we spread this resistance.


  21. 13 hours ago, Ralar said:

    gosh, I have all three of these issues - only starting to make all the connections (new to this site) I have had (very minor) rosacea since my 20's but gradually becoming worse - i think, scrolling the internet, i still probably have a mild case but i find it so sore when it flares up and worried about how quickly it seems to be getting worse now im nearly 40.. I have been struggling with my scalp which im pretty sure is seborrheic dermatitis (also v.sore when it flares up) and have been getting really sore itchy eyes, mildly bloodshot and now blepharitis!

    I do believe (in my case) there is a link between all of this and my gut - currently working with a naturopathic practitoner as i'm determined not to take meds - I feel like a lot of my issues are to do with heavy doses of antibiotics earlier in life, poor diet and extreme stress..

    Thank you - I wish you luck on your journey with this & hope you find results soon.

    Yes do not heavily rely on heavy doses of antibiotics (read here)without doctor's prescription.but do it with your own body's balance and understanding and use natural things more like the one above suggested you can read this gut connection with SD or yeast overgrowth for more understanding and do let us know about your post implementation status.

  22. When we have rosacea, we normally use antibiotics to treat our rosacea or atleast soothe the condition of rosacea. But do you know what we are doing when we are taking antibiotics? sometimes it is prescribed by doctor or physician or sometimes it is non-prescription because we take it by our own. But do you know the effects of antibiotics we have and what we are doing to other humans and our community?

    I will start with microflora of our skin. we have a number of bacteria of different classes on our skin. I will take one example of staphylococcus family of bacteria that we find normally on our skin, bacteria do not pose a health problem when normal in number but they become pathogenic and cause infectious diseases when they are frequent in number. Generally, it has been found that chronic skin condition people have frequent more number of bacteria on their skin and when it comes to rosacea, bacteria can worsen the condition of rosacea by increasing the inflammation, we all know this.

    Antibiotics are only targeted for bacteria, whether you take it orally or topically, when it blocks the bacteria from reproducing it is called bacteriostatic and when it kills the bacteria it is called bactericidal. Antibiotics work by blocking the cell wall synthesis or cell membrane synthesis or mRNA synthesis or protein synthesis or DNA synthesis in bacteria and ultimately bacteria die.

    Antibiotics are good when it is prescribed by your doctor and when it is given for a period of time with a diagnostic test for a particular bacteria found on your skin but it is a very concern thing when you take it on your own without any test and prescription.

    Then what happens when you take antibiotics for your roscaea or any other skin diseases whether it is prescribed or non-prescribed? sometimes you take it for a short period of time and sometimes you take it for a long steady period of time. In both the conditions you are exposing your skin bacteria to antibiotics and you are actually educating your bacteria about antibiotics. Then what do bacteria do? some bacteria are blocked and some are killed and some are very smart to get past the effects of antibiotics and survive and become resistant bacteria.

    Bacteria replicate very rapidly, so the get past bacteria which became resistant actually replicate in frequent numbers and now they are in majority in bacterial pool and they get this resistance through mutating genes and proteins and enzymes which are responsible for blocking antibiotic structure. This is called antibiotic resistance.

    Now microbes resist the effect of medication, in this case antibiotics to bacteria, which once could successfully treat the condition is called antimicrobial resistance or AMR, because we are actually educating the microbes over the course of time.

    Now there are so many strains of bacterial species which have become resistant to different antibiotics are multi-drug resistant bacteria. I have taken one example of Staphylococcus family of bacteria which are resistant to penicillin groups and in this class methicillin-resistant staphylococcus bacteria(MRSA) known as superbug which are multi-drug resistant bacteria.

    After 1980, there are no new classes of antibiotics being produced. Now antibiotics are a very serious concern to consider when it comes to taking it for chronic inflammatory skin diseases and to prevent the unnecessary use of antibiotics and in turn antimicrobial resistance.

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