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Just received today Tom Busby's AquaVive shampoo. If you haven't heard about it, you will. Tom is the SD Expert Extraordinaire at RF and formulated the shampoo. I will update my progress with this thread. The details on this can be read below in this pdf: 

Review_of_OTC_Treatments_for_Malassezia _skin_conditions-for_Aquavive.pdf

Tom Busby has given the RRDi permission to post his email address if you want to know more about this shampoo which we are doing this pro bono: 


Tom also makes a lotion.

Be sure to mention to Tom that you read about this at the RRDi. Read the list of ingredients below: 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for your reply! So you are saying that your SD has not completely cleared after several months of use?

I have been using Tom's shampoo and lotion for 5 weeks now to try and beat down a Malassezia folliculitis take-over of 50% of my body. I did have a small patch of SD on the backs of my ears when I started (was first time to get SD in that area - have previously battled it on my scalp but been clear there for many years now), and by the 2nd or 3rd week of use, the ears were healed. BUT, I also put the lotion on that area, which I feel (just a hunch) is more effective than the shampoo, due to the fact that it stays on for a longer period of time. I also think that the lotion repaired barrier damage in that area (whereas I find the shampoo a bit drying on my skin other than scalp skin). Again, just a theory. Anyway, you might want to try the lotion, as well!

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I was thinking about buying Tom's Lotion (used only the shampoo for about three months, not the lotion) but my dermatologist asked me if I have ever tried Azelaic Acid, which I have heard about since 2007 but never tried it. So I took her recommendation and have been using Azelaic Acid and you can review my updates on this in my rosacea blog. I have tried a long list of treatments mentioned in my blog to try to clear the folliculitis in my scalp and nothing cleared it. The Azelaic Acid has been the only thing so far that has taken away the itch and has definitely improved it. I will continue to use Tom's AquaVive shampoo to cleanse my scalp but will be using the Azelaic Acid for a couple more months, since usually it takes three months for any treatment for clearance. 

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Thanks for the update! AA via the weird Malazapham (sp) from Amazon was one of my "false dawns." It's 20% and I jumped into using it twice a day. I lasted two weeks and it was clearing things but was super irritating to my skin. I had to stop. I will experiment with adding it in a few times a week. I'm thinking we need to have a multi-pronged approach to this. (1) Kill the yeast, (2) repair the damaged skin barrier, (3) remove the excess keratin/heal the bumps, (4) repopulate the skin microbiome. Tom's products should do the first three, albeit it very slowly.

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  • Root Admin
On 9/26/2020 at 2:28 AM, MSR said:

Thanks for the update! AA via the weird Malazapham (sp) from Amazon was one of my "false dawns." It's 20% and I jumped into using it twice a day. I lasted two weeks and it was clearing things but was super irritating to my skin. I had to stop. I will experiment with adding it in a few times a week. I'm thinking we need to have a multi-pronged approach to this. (1) Kill the yeast, (2) repair the damaged skin barrier, (3) remove the excess keratin/heal the bumps, (4) repopulate the skin microbiome. Tom's products should do the first three, albeit it very slowly.

What is 'Malazapham' ?  

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